Chapter 21

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I sighed as I walked up the stairs to the boys dormitories.

It was the first week of December, and Sirius and I have been dating for a week.

Opening the door to the 6th year boys dormitory, I let out another sigh.

There was only one person there.

I walked over to the boy who was laying on his stomach as he slept.

I lazily climbed into the bed, laying right next to him.

"Sirius," I called as I stuffed my face into a pillow.

Sirius looked over at me with tired eyes. But when he saw my tear filled ones, he sat up, pulling me into his chest.

"It happened didn't it?" Sirius asked.

I just sat there, my forehead pressed against his chest as I let out dramatic sobs.

"Sirius! It's snowing!" I sobbed.

He stroked my hair as I dramatically cried.


Sirius and I were both very moody all through December and January.

We both stayed at Hogwarts for break. And we both sat around all through the break, occasionally breaking down with each other.

"I can't do it Sirius! I don't like snow! I just want winter to be over!" I sobbed to him.

You may think we're crazy, sobbing over snow.

But you don't understand.

Every time it rains, Sirius and I would go outside and dance in the rain.

Well, Sirius was Snuffles when we did it. But now that we're dating, we decided we want to go dance in the rain in human form!

Problem is, we got together at the end of November. Which meant
no rain.

And now, it's the last week of January. Sirius and I have been dating for two months today.

You all know what two months means.

But in case you don't, it was our two month anniversary when we broke up the last time we dated, so this was a big thing for Sirius and I.

So when Sirius came to me today, on our two month anniversary, I didn't want him to leave.

So Sirius and I spent the whole day with each other, cuddling and talking, and occasionally kissing.

"I've got good news Claire," Sirius said as we cuddled on the couch of the Common Room.

I smiled up at him, as if telling him to continue.

"It's raining tonight."

That's all he needed to say to put me in a better mood for that day.

I smiled widely for the rest of the time before nightfall.

There's really nothing eventful we did before nightfall.
Like I said, we sat on the couch in the empty Common Room all day, snuggled up to each other, and talked.

But when nightfall did come, it was a lot more adventurous.

We had to sneak out of Hogwarts. Slippingall past professors that were patrolling empty corridors.
We almost got caught by Mrs. Norris at one point.

But eventually, we finally made it out.

Together we walked, hand in hand, to our favorite tree, and just sat.

We sat there, on the ground, and watched in a comfortable silence as the dark clouds rolled into the sky.

The silence was eventually broken though.

"Look, it's sprinkling," Sirius stated.

I turned to a grinning Sirius, which made me grin in return.

He stood up from his spot, using the tree for support, and offered his hand to me.

"May I have this dance?" He asked, his grin slowly turning into a genuine smile.

My grin turned to a smile as well as I looked up at my boyfriend.
"You may."

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. Leading me away from the shelter of the tree, and out into the pouring rain that only a little bit ago was sprinkling.

I let out a laugh as Sirius frowned at his wet hair. His black hair sticking to his face.

He smiled as I laughed though, and soon he was the one laughing as I tripped over a rock and landed in a muddy puddle.

He offered his hand for me to take, but instead of him pulling me up, I pulled him down with me.

We both burst out laughing at our situation.

"I thought we were supposed to be dancing?!" I exclaimed in between laughs.
"Oh yeah," Sirius laughed.

I giggled as he stood up from the puddle, and this time I let him pull me up.

Though instead of just helping me up, he pulled me into his chest, and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

We began swaying back and forth.

Just back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth.
Over, and over, and over again.

The whole night, just swaying.

But we couldn't care less that we missed our sleep just so that we could sway.
We couldn't care less that we were covered in mud.
We couldn't care less that we were drenched head to toe.
I couldn't care less that Sirius smelled like wet dog.
And Sirius couldn't care less that my makeup was ever so slightly smudged.

We didn't care.

The only thing that mattered to me at that moment, was Sirius.

And the only thing that mattered to Sirius at that moment, was me.

That, is what was running through our minds as we leaned in.

Lips colliding.

Hair tangled.

Not a care in the world.

And in that moment, I knew, I love Sirius Black.

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