Chapter 43

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"Sirius where are we going?" I asked as he led me out to all of the parked cars.
"Remember when you said you wanted to see your mum?" Sirius recalled.
"Uh..yeah?" I responded.
"Well we don't exactly have a house to go to now. So I talked to your mum and she said we could stay with her until we found a house," Sirius explained.
"You did what?! Sirius we can't let her think we can't do this on our own! She's going to think we're lazy and can't get jobs!" I exclaimed.
"I know, I was reluctant at first too. I wrote her back and said it was unnecessary but she's very stubborn!" Sirius stated.

I sighed, shaking my head at my fiancé.

"You're an idiot," I muttered.
"But you love me," Sirius smirked, winking at me. I rolled my eyes at him.
"Anyway, your mum should be here somewhere," Sirius spoke.
"Wait she's here?" I questioned, looking around as if my mother was going to appear out of nowhere.

Sirius nodded, leading me over to a small car that a woman was stood next to.

"Mummy!" I exclaimed, running over to her and throwing my arms around her small figure.

She was still as beautiful as I remembered. Her dark brown hair that I had inherited from her had grey streaks in it. Her brown eyes never failed to shine, and her wide smile only made them brighter.

"Clairesse! Sirius!" Mum exclaimed.
"Chelsea," Sirius smiled, giving her a hug after I pulled away.
"My future son in law," Mum smirked.

Sirius grinned at her as I laughed.

"Show me the ring then," Mum spoke, beckoning me over as she grabbed my hand.
"Oh it's so beautiful," Mum smiled.

I allowed her to admire the ring for a little, and as she finished she looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Oh mum," I laughed, pulling her into another hug.
"My daughter's getting married!" Mum cried.
"Yeah I know," I laughed.

She laughed with me, tears rolling freely down her cheeks.

"Sirius is good for you though," Mum nodded, trying to reassure herself.
"Yes he is," I agreed.
"He's nice," Mum started, me nodding in agreement, "and he's not that bad looking either."
"Okay mum, just remember that he's my fiancé," I laughed.
"Oh right," Mum nodded.

Sirius and I both laughed as she hurriedly wiped her tears away.

"Anyway, we'd better get going. Your father'll need some help with his medicine," Mum stated, opening the car door and climbing in. I scowled at the mention of him. I almost forgot I'd have to see him.

"Dad's on medicine?" I questioned as I climbed into the passengers seat.
"He's....He's sick," Mum mumbled.
"How bad?" I asked, looking back at Sirius who was watching our conversation warily.
"He's okay, I think. He's just battling a bad cold," Mum lied.

I arched an eyebrow at her. She rarely ever lied, especially not to me.

"Mum I'm not a kid anymore. You don't need to lie," I said, grabbing one of her hands as she began to drive.
"He's depressed Clairesse," Mum mumbled.

I frowned at her reply.

I was already trying not to scowl at the use of my full name, and this conversation that reminded me of  everything that my father put me through. But somehow this was worse than both of those thing.

"Depressed?" I questioned.
"He regrets what he did to both you and Sirius," Mum said, choking back a sob.

My frown deepened as she continued.

"I told him that Sirius had asked for my blessing to propose, and I suppose it just clicked for him that what he did was wrong," Mum cried.

Sirius leaned forward, placing a hand on her shoulder as she cried.

"I-It's okay mum, you don't have to continue," I whispered, running my thumb over her fragile hand.

The rest of the car ride was silent, and it wasn't until we had pulled up into the small house's driveway did mum speak.

"I know it'll be hard for the two of you to see him. But please, he needs support," Mum stated, stepping out of the car.

I made eye contact with Sirius, who nodded at me before stepping out of the car as well.

With a sigh I got out and followed the two into the small house.

The house was quiet, the only sound being the footsteps of the three of us.

"Scott!" Mum called.

Footsteps came before a man appeared in front of us.

"Claire," He whispered.

He was much different then I remembered.
He had a whole head of grey hair, and I now stood eye to eye with him.

"Dad," I said, forcing a smile.

Mum left the room to go upstairs, and Sirius and I followed dad to the living room.

"Dad I honestly don't care about what happened," I spoke as we all got situated in the living room.
Sirius and I sat on a small couch while dad sat in an armchair across from us.

"But you do Clairesse. I know you both do," Dad muttered, looking between the two of us.

I sighed, squeezing Sirius's hand as I did so.

"I want to apologize," Dad stated.
"What?" I spluttered, not really believing what just came out of my father's mouth.
"I want to apologize to both of you. What I did was not right and I'm sorry for that," Dad sighed.

I pursed my lips, not really knowing what to do.

"Sirius, it is clear to me now that my accusation of all Blacks being Death Eaters was wrong. I've heard that you treat my daughter well and I believe no Death Eater would do that," Dad continued.

His apology was so formal I had to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing.

"It's fine, really," Sirius spoke.
"But it isn't. I shouldn't have done it. I'm almost fifty years old and what I did made me seem like I was five," Dad said.

I could tell Sirius wanted to say something to reassure him but couldn't find something to disagree with, and quite frankly neither could I.

"I just want you both to know that I'm happy you guys are together, even though I tried to prevent that from happening. I also want you both to know that you have my blessing, even though you're already engaged," Dad said, a small smile forming on his lips.

I stared at him in shock.

"That means a lot to us," Sirius spoke for the both of us.
"T-Thank you," I choked out.
"I love you Clairesse, always know that. And I suppose Sirius as well," Dad laughed, the two of us laughing with him.
"But really, I do love you Sirius," Dad spoke, getting up to hug Sirius.
"My turn!" I exclaimed, running towards them and wrapping my arms around the two of them as best as I could.
"Oh family hug!" Mum spoke from behind me, and soon enough her arms were wrapped around us as well.

I laughed at my small family, the three of them laughing with me.

"So Clairesse have you thought about baby names yet?"
"Oh I'm just kidding! Kind of. I wouldn't mind grandkids"
"I mean you almost are."
"I hate you."
"Love you too, Claire."
I'm going to jinx this, I know it.
Some of you may have noticed, but my schedule has been updating every Tuesday and Friday. This has been working for the past four weeks. I've realized though, that if I keep doing it this way then this story is never going to end.
So my main goal is to update twice a week, it doesn't have to be Tuesday and Friday, but that'll be my goal. So you can expect updates on Tuesday and Friday, I just can't promise there'll be one on that day.
What I'm changing though, is that I'd like to add Saturday to that.
Saturday will be what I'm trying to do. I can't promise that there'll be an update every Saturday.
So expect updates Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Don't get mad at me when there isn't one though........please.
Hope you're having a great day!

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