Chapter 11

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The girls ended up finding out about Sirius and I's date. But the date meant nothing as a girl I recognized as Sofia gossiped right outside of our compartment.
"I heard Sirius Black is dating Stacy Raine."
"Yeah. I overheard Stacy talking about it with Rachel."

I let out a sigh and stared out the window while Camellia went on and on about Remus.
Apparently neither Lily or Camellia heard Sofia.

I continued to stare out the window, my thoughts blocking out everything going on.

I thought Sirius liked me.
I thought he cared.
I thought we'd have a real relationship this year.

Am I not pretty enough?
Do I need to where more makeup?
Should I have put more effort into my outfit for our date?
Maybe I was being selfish buying such an expensive necklace?

Why do I care about this?!

I don't need to look pretty! Sirius just needs to stop playing with girls feeling and realize he's not the only one with an organ called your heart.

Somewhere in between my train of thought I had gotten Remus and he chatted with Camellia and Lily.

Soon after Remus came into Lily, Camellia and I's compartment they all left for a prefects meeting.

Leaving me alone in the compartment.

I decided I might as well continue debating this.

I went on a date with Sirius so that he wouldn't tell the whole school I slept in his bed and told him he had a warm chest.

I somehow found myself enjoying the date and even after finding out it meant nothing to him I can't bring myself to remove the dog paw necklace that's been hanging around my neck since that day.


I bloody fancy Sirius Black.

But that's impossible!

I told myself I'd never be one of Sirius Black's toys.

I promised myself I'd never let Black take my heart!

And now look at me!

No wonder Sirius thinks he's the only one with a heart, he keeps bloody taking everyones!

Taking a deep breath. I pushed the thought aside and focused on the compartment door that was opening.

Sirius bloody Black.

Letting out a groan I banged my head against the window.

"Um, are you okay?"

"No Black! I'm not!" I replied, my face growing redder by the second.

He sat down next to me, attempting to pull me into a hug, but I pushed his hands away and gave him a glare.

"I can't believe you!" I exclaimed, earning a highly confused look from Sirius.
"Don't act all innocent, I know you're dating Stacy!" I shot, tears flooding my eyes.


So maybe fancying Sirius Black isn't that impossible.

"Stacy? Stacy Raine?" Sirius asked with a raised eyebrow, earning a nod from me.

He snorted and shook his head.

"I've never dated Stacy, nor will I ever date Stacy," He stated, looking down at me.
"Prove it then," I stated, looking up into his grey eyes.

Instead of what I expected, which being words.
He grabbed me by the waist, pulling me into his chest and pressed his lips against mine.

It took me a moment to realize what was happening, but eventually I started kissing back. Wrapping my arms around his neck.

I felt him smile against my lips as I ran my hand through his hair.

Eventually we parted for air, both smiling at the shared moment.

"Claire? Will you go out with me?" Sirius asked. Grey eyes meeting brown.

"Like, dating? Boyfriend, girlfriend?"
"If that's what you want."
"Sure Black. I will be your girlfriend."

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