Chapter 17

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I woke up to James shaking me awake. Much to my displeasure.

"Padfoot! Get up, it's already six! The sun is setting!" James exclaimed in a panic.
My eyes snapped open, jumping  out of bed, I threw some clothes on as fast as I could.

James and I both had an arm around Remus, supporting him as we hobbled out of the common room.
Peter was in charge of the map, making sure no one was coming.

As we got closer to the main entrance, I heard the familiar sound of rain colliding with the castle.

"G-Guys, did you hear that?" I asked in a panic.


Sirius Black is not afraid of rain.

He's simply afraid of the love of his life dying.

"Yes Padfoot, it's the rain. Why, are you suddenly afraid of the rain?" James asked sarcastically.
"No, but I didn't know it was raining tonight," I stated, my eyes widening as Peter began to rapidly unfold flaps of the map.

I froze as Peter continued, and the rain grew heavier.

"Sirius! Will you calm down?! It was in the Daily Prophet!" James scolded as he and Remus stumbled forward.
"What was in the Daily Prophet?!" I questioned as Peter looked up at me.
"Tonight's going to be the biggest storm Hogwarts has ever seen," James replied as he pulled me forward to help him with Remus, Peter following in tow.
"Guys, Clai-" Peter was cut off by James.
"Peter! We're already late! If we don't get Remus to the shack then Hogwarts is going to get a piece of Moony's mind!"

We began speed walking to the Whomping Willow as the moon shined against the Black Lake.

"James I really ha-" I started, but much like Peter, was cut off by James.

"Sirius we have to go now!"

We made it just in time as Remus began howling in pain.

I worriedly turned into Padfoot.

My thoughts traveling to where Claire could be.

My nerves only grew stronger as the howling from Remus stopped, and Moony appeared before us, sniffing the air rapidly.

We all knew that this wasn't a good sign.

This meant Moony smelt a human.

And when Moony smelt a human, Moony got the human.



I hopped down the stairs excitedly as the rain slammed against the castle.

I ran out of the castle and to the Black Lake where I always go, but was not greeted as I usually was.
Snuffles was nowhere in sight.

"Snuffles!" I called out.

I wait a second before calling again.

"Snuffles! Where are you boy?!"

I do this for five minutes maybe, when I finally get a response.

I hear barking, and turn my head to see Snuffles running towards me.

"Snuffles! There you are!" I exclaim.

I reach out to grab his paws, but instead of giving me his paws, he nudges me towards the castle.

"But look at the storm Snuffles!" I exclaim as I finally admire the falling rain and lit sky, covered in lightning.

Snuffles nudges me again.

"Stop Snuffles!" I exclaimed.

I then notice the stag in front of me.

"Oh my."

I noticed the stag had a rat on it's back.


To top it all off.

The rat jumped off of the stag and instead of landing on the ground.

It turned into Peter.

I'm officially insane.

"Claire you have to get out of here now!" Peter exclaimed.

"Merlin's beard Peter! You're an animagus?!" I questioned excitedly.

"Yes but you have to go!" Peter squeaked, pushing me towards the castle.

"So that means the stag is James," I nodded, just now acknowledging the stag pushing me towards the castle as well.

"Claire you have to go!" Peter screeched.
"Is this some kind of prank?" I asked unamused.

It's then that I notice the werewolf coming up behind the stag.

"I-Is t-that a w-werewolf?!"

"Claire run!" Peter screamed as he turns back into a rat so that he doesn't get eaten.

I stay frozen in place.

The stag tries to get the werewolf away, but the werewolf throws him to the ground.

The werewolf turns to face me, ready to attack.

He was about to jump at me, when Snuffles jumps in the way.

Snuffles holds him for a second so that the stag can get up, but the werewolf takes lead and throws Snuffles against a tree.

"Snuffles!" I screamed.

The stag manages to get up and lead the werewolf back to the shack, but Peter stays behind, turning back into a human and running after me.

"Snuffles!" I screamed again as I collapse next to him.

Peter falls next to me, examining Snuffles injuries.

"Padfoot, you have to turn back so we can help you," Peter whispered, but I could still hear him.
"Padfoot? What are you talking about?!" I demanded.

But instead of responding, he stays silent.

Before I could ask again, Snuffles let's out a whimper, which turns into a grunt.

Looking back at where Snuffles was, Sirius Black lay clutching his stomach.

But that's all I remember before I fainted.

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