Chapter 5

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After asking for the fifth time, it was once again confirmed by Camellia that's she's not with Remus yet.

Which unfortunately meant I was out of the bet since the holidays were now over. We had all just got back yesterday. It was now Sunday, which meant classes start again tomorrow.

Since we've been back, Black has asked me out approximately six times. That's not including the many letters I received from him over the holidays.

"What's got you so distracted?" Camellia asked from her bed across from me. "Thinking about Sirius?"

"Yes, but not in the way you're thinking." I scoffed, sticking my tongue out at her childishly.

"So in the way James thinks about Lily?" Camellia laughed, sticking her tongue right back out at me.

"No, not in that way either." I laughed lightly. "But I was wondering. Have you noticed Potter's face whenever Lily rejects him. Like, he gets all sad and loses his spark."

"You mean the heartbreak?" Camellia asked confusedly.

"Heartbreak?" I repeated. "Is that what you'd call that?"

"Well yeah." She nodded slightly. "He loves her so it obviously hurts him whenever she rejects him."

My jaw dropped slightly at Camellia's words. Love? Did Potter really love Lily? No of course not. Marauders weren't capable of love. They're just players.

Well at least Black and Potter are players. I don't think I could say the same thing about Remus and Peter.

"Sirius is the same way about you."

"Oh! Yeah! Sure he is!" I laughed, finding her words to be the funniest thing ever.

"Oh! Yeah! Sure he is!" I laughed, finding her words to be the funniest thing ever

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I grumbled to myself as James continued to ignore me. We'd been sitting in the Common Room for a few hours now, and while I ranted about my failed attempt to get Claire to go out with me, James was looking at the map and blatantly ignoring everything I was saying.

"You're a real prat, you know that?"

James once again disregarded me and looked up towards the stairs. "Hey Camellia!"

"Hey James," she smiled. "Sirius, did you know that your girlfriend is a twat?"

"Just hearing you call her my girlfriend makes my heart swell," I sighed longingly. But I quickly shook off that amazing feeling. "Anyway, what'd she do?"

"She just asked me why James gets upset when Lily rejects him."

James choked on air and my jaw dropped. "You mean she hasn't realized that James is legitimately in love with Lily?!"

"Nope," Camellia laughed. "Then when I said you were the same way, she laughed."

My mouth opened and closed at a loss for words. I let out a weak laugh, still not sure what to say.

"She's right." James snorted. "Your girlfriend really is a twat."

"How could she think I don't love her?!" I choked out. How did she not know that I admired everything about her and it physically pained me that we weren't together. How could she laugh at the chance that I actually have feelings for her? "What have I done that's made her hate me so much?"

"Eh, I could list a few reasons," Camellia muttered, pursing her lips awkwardly. "But I guess the main reason at this point is how many girls you just sleep with and leave behind like they're just rubbish. I mean how many girlfriends do you think you've had?"

"Bloody hell. Is that what she thinks of me?" I breathed out shakily. "I've only had two girlfriends before and literally slept with one of them once. I have no idea why girls here have been claiming to do things with me, and I definitely had no idea Claire heard them."

"Yeah she's bloody heard them. The whole school has!" Camellia exclaimed, throwing her hands up in frustration. "And quite frankly, Sirius, it's revolting. The fact that you just stand by and let girls use you like that for attention has me flabbergasted."

Her words stung a little but I knew she was right. Why did it take Camellia's scolding for me to realize I should be doing something about it? No wonder Claire didn't believe me.

"And Merlin, Sirius," Camellia groaned, "you don't know the half of how that effects Claire."

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"I'm almost a hundred percent sure that if Claire didn't hear all those rumors, she would've gone on a date with you by now." Camellia glared at me. "But she hasn't, because all she sees in a relationship with you is heartbreak and betrayal."

"Bloody hell, Cam," James said. "Take it easy. You're gonna break him."

"No, I deserve it." I nodded shamefully. "For now on anytime I hear someone say anything about me, I'll tell them off. Maybe I should even talk to Claire. Tell her the truth."

Camellia sighed sadly. She sat down beside me and placed her small hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry for being harsh, Sirius. I just want the best for Claire." Camellia smiled lightly. "Once you've settled the rumors, I think talking to Claire would be a great idea."

Once I've settled the rumors. Now to figure out how to do that.

 Now to figure out how to do that

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