Chapter 58

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It definitely wasn't expected.

No, it was the most unexpected thing that has happened throughout this whole war.

The Prewetts were as nice as they came.

Fabian, Gideon, and our dearly beloved Camellia. Them and their parents, had the misfortune of coming face to face with Death Eaters.

The end of August, a week after Scarlett's third birthday, and almost a month after Harry's first, the Prewetts passed away.

Murdered by Voldemort's servants, they may forever rest in peace.

Mine and Lily's sister. Molly's blood sister. James, Sirius, and Peter's best friend. Scarlett's godmother. Remus's fiancé.

Camellia was loved.

She was bright, bubbly, friendly, kind, respectful, the best friend you could have.

Out of all the deaths this war has come with, Camellia's will always be the worst.

But just like everyone else who have died, they were put behind us. Remaining in our hearts and memories.

We could forever hold onto them, but it wouldn't help us. We have children, friends, family that our depending on us.

Living in our sorrows does nothing.

Remus Lupin could prove that.

The man barely left his house. When he went to Order meetings, he didn't speak.

When he dueled Death Eaters, he put every ounce of the hatred he felt for the people who murdered his fiancé so easily into every spell, hex, curse he cast.

It concerned all of us.

But that didn't stop him from flipping the table on Sirius one day after we invited him for tea to relax.

"What would you do if Claire died?!" Remus roared after Sirius told him to try and relax.

Sirius froze.

"I don't want to think about that Remus," Sirius growled.
"Then don't tell me to calm down," Remus spat.
"Rem please stop," I begged.
"You're the reason she's dead!" Remus yelled, pushing me away forcefully.

Sirius acted immediately. Pushing Remus against the wall.

"Do not touch her!" Sirius scowled.
"She's the reason my fiancé is dead Sirius! Your wife is a spy and you know it!" Remus exclaimed.
"Get the hell out of my house!" Sirius demanded, shoving Remus in the direction of the front door.

With a glare, Remus walked out the door. A loud pop meant he had apparated.

"Ignore him, Sirius," I sighed, placing my hand on his shoulder.
"I can't ignore that Claire! I don't want to lose you," Sirius cried, his hands caressing my face.
"What are you saying?" I questioned.
"I don't know how comfortable I am with you fighting right now. Especially now that James and Lily made me Secret-Keeper," Sirius mumbled.

That's another thing. Albus found a charm they were using for James and Lily. The Fidelius Charm. Because Sirius is Secret-Keeper, only he can tell where James and Lily are. I was not very fond of this.

"You're the one that does most of the fighting! Especially now that only one of us can leave the house at a time! And about this
Secret-Keeper thing. I don't like it!" I exclaimed.
"Who else could they make
Secret-Keeper?! I would die rather than betray my friends!" Sirius claimed.
"And that is exactly what I am afraid of Sirius! You're living in this fantasy of yours! You're acting like you're the hero! That you're under an obligation to have to die for your friends! Well guess what Sirius! I don't want you to die!" I screamed, tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Claire. You know I don't want to die. But if it comes to that, I would do i-"
"No Sirius! You're still doing it! Stop thinking about dying for James and Lily! Think about your wife and daughter!" I cried.
"What?" Sirius questioned.
"Scarlett and I need you Sirius! We need you to be there for us! Not James and Lily! For us! I know how much you love James and Lily, bloody hell, I love them with all my heart! But Scarlett and I need to be your first priority!" I stated.

Sirius nodded slightly.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I'll talk to James and Lily about changing the Secret-Keeper," Sirius agreed.
"Thank you," I choked.
"Now come here," Sirius laughed, grabbing my hands.
"What?" I asked as he pulled me towards the kitchen.

On the way towards the kitchen, Sirius picked Scarlett up from where she sat with her dog.

Her dog fell from her hand on the way through the kitchen. Soon I realized what he was doing.

He pushed the back door open, and brought Scarlett and I out into the pouring rain.

"Daddy! We're going to get dirty!" Scarlett squealed.
"No Scarlett! We're going to have fun!" Sirius laughed, placing Scarlett bare foot in mud.

Scarlett screeched, only calming down when Sirius turned into Padfoot.

"Padfoot!" Scarlett exclaimed.

I took Sirius's muddy paws into my hands and swayed slightly.

"Come here Scarlett," I laughed, picking her up and placing her on my hip.

Sirius turned back into human form, wrapping his arms around Scarlett and I.

"My two girls. I promise you both that we will get through this. I will protect you with all I have and more," Sirius claimed.
"Daddy! We're strong! We'll protect you!" Scarlett smiled.
"I know you're strong Scarlett. And your Mummy. You're the strongest girls in the world," Sirius stated.
"Not as strong as you though," I added.
"You're right," Sirius said.

In a swift movement, I was sitting on one of his shoulders, Scarlett on the other.

"Sirius Black put me down!" I screeched, my hand instinctively going to Scarlett, who was screeching with laughter.
"You're literally a feather," Sirius laughed.
"A feather?! I'm an elephant!" I stated.
"No you're not!" Sirius chuckled.


Sirius stuck to his promise. The very next day, he told me that they had changed the Secret-Keeper.

However, he wasn't allowed to tell me who it was. He just said I should trust the Secret-Keeper.

Even though I knew I had wanted him to change the Secret-Keeper. There was something bothering me.

No matter how much I tried to shake the feeling, I knew, this was not a trustworthy Secret-Keeper.

This is my third chapter on Christmas Eve. I guess I'm motivated!

However I don't have an amazing Christmas carol.

On another note, some of you may have noticed that I posted a Prologue today. If you didn't read it it's fine. It's basically what the first part of the first chapter used to be like. But a lot of you were confused because when I was doing the introduction for Claire, it was in her point of view. So it looked like she was saying she was popular and the Marauders loved her and the girls. That's not what it is! So I remade it as a Prologue. This does mean there will be an Epilogue!

But I hope you're all having a very merry day! Sorry for killing Cam!

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