Chapter 12

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Sirius and I have been dating for a little over a week now, and it's been the best days of my life.

Sirius and I are pretty much inseparable.

I've even started hanging out with the other Marauders!

The only people who know about our relationship is the Marauders and Camellia.

I haven't even told Lily or Regulus.

Speaking of Regulus.

I'm on my way to go see him for the first time since school started.

I was walking down to the Black Lake where we were meeting. But I barely took five steps outside when a cute dog ran up to me.

"Aww! Aren't you just the cutest little thing!" I exclaimed as I rubbed behind his ears, kneeling down in front of him.

He didn't have a collar. So he most likely didn't have an owner.

Well. I've always wanted a dog.

"Do you have an owner cutie?" I asked the dog stupidly, while the dog stared blankly.

The dog was a well groomed black dog with oddly grey eyes.

Can dogs have grey eyes?

Well, I didn't think people could have grey eyes till I met Sirius and Regulus. But they can.

So why can't dogs?

"Well you don't have a collar. You wanna come with me?" I asked as I stood back up.

The dog eagerly stood up and started following me as I walked to the Black Lake.

Regulus was there reading a book as we approached him.

The dog seemed to growl as we got closer to him, but I quickly scolded him and told him to be nice. Which shut him up quickly.

"Hey Regulus!" I greeted cheerfully as I sat beside him. The dog following.
"Hey Claire. Who's this?" Regulus questioned as the dog got comfortable on the grass. Resting his head on his paws as he glanced up at us.

"Oh, that's my dog. Seriously just got him five minutes ago," I giggled as I petted the dog.
"What's his name?" Regulus questioned, smiling over at the dog that was growling at him. Which we were both very much aware of.
"Well. I was thinking Snuffles. That's a cute name right?" I asked him.

Snuffles's eyes widened in horror and Regulus snorted.

"That's perfect," He stated with a laugh.
"I'm for real! I like the name Snuffles!" I exclaimed.
"Yes, I can tell. But are you really going to name your male dog Snuffles? I mean, what if it was your son? Would you name your son Snuffles?" Regulus questioned.
"I would name my son Snuffles," I joked with a serious tone that made the dogs eyes widen once more, but neither of us noticed.

"Well. How was your summer?" Regulus asked, ignoring my response to his previous question.
"Oh it was amazing! I spent the first month with my mom's side of the family. Then spent the last two months with Lily and Camellia!" I exclaimed with a wide grin.

I was so caught up in my excitement I didn't even notice the small smile on Snuffles's face.

"What about you?"

"Meh. It wasn't that great," Regulus responded, causing me to frown.
"Why? What happened?" I questioned.
"Family problems," Regulus replied.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

From what I was aware of, he had really nice parents, aunts, uncles, and Sirius was his brother.

But then again, Sirius never really liked Slytherins for some reason.
Maybe that's why I've never seen Regulus and Sirius talk.

"Is it Sirius? Did he do something?" I questioned, thoughts of what my boyfriend could've done filled my head as I waited for a reply.
"Sort of?"

Snuffles growled a little, but you couldn't hear it over the bell ringing, signaling class is starting in a minute.

"Oh my gosh! I have to get to Charms, see you later Regulus! C'mon Snuffles!" I exclaimed as I ran towards the castle.


I was now sitting in Charms with Sirius, thankfully early by two seconds.

Snuffles had oddly disappeared shortly after we left Regulus.

"Today class! We will be talking about Patronus Charms!" Flitwick squeaked from the front of the class, interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Can anyone tell me what a Patronus is?" He asked, and to everyones surprise, Sirius and James's hands shot up.
"Yes Mr. Potter?"

"The Patronus Charm is the only spell that effects dementors, and can be used for communication," James explained.

"Very good Mr. Potter! 10 points to Gryffindor! Now, can someone tell me what the Patronus Charm looks like? Yes Mr. Black?"

"Patronuses are silvery-white guardians or protectors that take the form of an animal that best suites your personality," Sirius explained with a smirk.

"Excellent Mr. Black! 10 more points to Gryffindor!" Flitwick exclaimed. "Now, to cast the Patronus Charm! You must think of your happiest memory and say the incantation, 'Expecto Patronum'."

We all split into groups of two as we practiced our Patronuses.

I was with Sirius, who cast it his first try. Taking the form of a dog that looked oddly familiar.

I then tried to do it myself after watching his dog run around the room.

Thinking of when I got my Hogwarts letter I said the incantation.........and silvery mist fell from my wand.

"Well, that was clearly not a happy enough memory. Try something stronger," Sirius advised, earning himself a glare.

I decided on when I first met Camellia and Lily.

This time, a mass of silver smoke came from the tip of my wand.

"That's an incorporeal Patronus," Sirius stated.
"How do I get an animal?" I questioned.
"Think of an even stronger memory," Sirius replied.

I tried again, thinking of my love for my friends, Lily, Camellia, and Regulus.

But this time, nothing at all happened.

I huffed and looked over at Sirius. Who was leaning against a wall and watching me fail.

"Well. That time you got the hand movement wrong. What memory have you been using anyway?" Sirius asked, pushing himself off the wall and walking towards me.

"When I met Lily and Camellia. What have you been using?"

"When I met you," Sirius replied with a smile.

I mentally groaned.
Why didn't I think of that?!

Sirius took my wrist and held my hand up.

Thinking of when I met Sirius, I allowed him to swish my right hand and watched in amazement as a dog burst out of my wand.

But this dog had less fur and was thinner, giving it a feminine look.

"What does that mean?" I asked looking over at a grinning Sirius.

"It means we're soulmates."

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