Chapter 1

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A/N: I know not many people will read this, but I really wanted to try my own fanfic and see how it goes and also to improve my writing skills.  So your comments and constructive criticism would be really helpful! I hope you like it!

Usually on a typical school day there is nothing, not even my obnoxiously loud alarm clock, that can get me out of bed.  But today, the second my alarm sounded, I hopped out of bed with a grin.  Today is special because today is the day I get the chance to meet the 5 people who make my life just a little bit better.  I worked my ass off these past months to raise enough money to be able to do this.  I feel rather acomplished that I did it all on my own.  My older sister is going to go with me since I don't want to be alone incase I like faint or something...

My mom doesn't even know about this, she doesn't care anymore.  And my dad?  You may be asking...  Well my dad walked out on us when I was just 3, so I don't really know much about him.  I'm sure he left because of how bitchy my mom could be.  Me and her don't get along so well considering she thinks everything I do is wrong.  We just live together, unfortunately.  I hit the alarm clock, silencing it, and head over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my makeup and hair, blasting One Direction songs from my phone.  I decide to straighten and curl the bottom of my long, light brown hair dyed red on the bottom, which obviously my mom had something to say about but I don't care.  I apply a smokey eye look and some light pink gloss.  I sigh, nervously, and enter my room again to get dressed.

What to wear, what to wear....  I think.  I grab a pair of light wash skinny jeans and a white camisole that I pair with a grey sweatshirt.  I grab my black ankle boots and slide them on, then stand in front of my long mirror.  Casual but still looks good.  I definitely don't want to look like I'm trying too hard and besides, they probably won't even notice my outfit it goes so fast and I'm just one in millions.  I hear the car horn of my sister's car and check out my window to see if it's her.  I wave and disappear from the window to grab my bag and leave.

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?"  I roll my eyes.  Of course my mom catches me right when I'm about to step out.

"Out."  I say flatly, my hand still on the door.

"Don't do anything stupid."  That's the best she can do at pretending that she gives a shit.  She didn't even care where I'm going, when I'll be back, who I'm seeing.  You know, normal mother-like concerns.  I make a disgusted face and walk out, closing the door behind me.

I get in my sister, Vanessa's car.  I like my sister, she's cool and doesn't ever judge me like my mom does.  She's also gorgeous.

"Hey sis, lookin' hot.  You ready?"  She greets me.

"Thanks."  I laugh.  "Yeah, lets go!  I can't wait!"  I gush.

"Don't get all fangirly, Autumn."  She warns and I roll my eyes, playfully.

"How could I not!  I'm sorry but you're just going to have to deal with it, Vanessa.  I had to hold in my excitement until I left the house, cuz you know... mom."  Vanessa lives in an appartment with her 2 best friends.  She's so lucky she doesn't have to live with that woman...  Although, my mom never had too much of a problem with Vanessa, if she only knew that we aren't all that different.

"How's it been with her?"  She askes with sincerity in her voice.

"A fucking nightmare, what do you think.  Can't wait until I have my own place."  I daydream.

"Yeah, well don't get too ahead of yourself, hun.  You're only 18."  She reminds me.  I'd still move out on my own if I had enough money to, despite my age.

"Ugh, don't remind me.  Just a few more years.  But on another note.....I'MFUCKINGMEETINGONEDIRECTIONISTHISREALLIFEOHMYGODWHATTHEFUCK!"  Sorry, Vanessa I just had to let that out.

"Jesus."  She breathed out.  She'll just never understand.

Hi everyone!  So this chapter is just a little background on Autumn and what her life is like at home.  I hope you like it so far!  Please comment, vote, and keep reading! :))))))

p.s. Im not sure why I made her have a bad relationship with her mother, I think I was mad at my mom when I started this story xD

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