Chapter 4

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I stand in front of my mirror and fix myself, I want to look good when he comes.  It hits me that in just a few mintutes, Harry Styles will be at my house.  I pinch myself to check that I'm awake because I'd be pretty pissed off if I woke up from this.  After talking to him on the phone, I've learned to keep my fangirling down and be calm, so that's good and right on time for today.  

A few moments later, the doorbell rings and there goes my heart beating a mile a minute.  All because of a simple doorbell, but I know it's not just anyone at the door.  I run downstairs, stopping at the mirror next to the front door to fix my hair a little, then grab the door knob.  I take a deep breath before opening the door.  I'm imediately disappointed when I do.

"Oh... it's just you, mom."  I roll my eyes with disappointment in my voice.

"Expecting someone?"  She asks walking past me into the kitchen to put away groceries.

"Yeah."  I don't bother explaining it to her because it's not worth my time, not that she would even give two shits what I'm doing.  I guess she will just find out when he gets here.  She knows all about my obsession with One Direction from the late nights of me blasting their songs and the posters on my wall in my room that she barely even goes in.

I walk away from the door and back to my room to wait for Harry and management to arrive.  As I'm walking away, I'm stopped by the sound of the doorbell again.  I don't get my hopes up this time, last time I was greatly disappointed.  I walk over to the door and open it... not disappointed at all.  I'm a bit taken back because standing in front of me is Harry and a serious-looking man standing by him.  I change my expression from shocked to acting natural, or at least I try to.  Clearly I didn't do a very good job at hiding my expression because Harry smirks and.... winks?  Is he trying to make me freak out because he didn't get the normal screaming reaction?  Yeah right, like Harry would waste his time trying to get a reaction out of me.

"Hello, what's your name?"  The man looks down at me, intimidatingly.

"Her names Autumn."  Harry smiles at me causing me to smile brightly.

"Right, ok Autumn.  We are here strictly to take care of this incident so allow me to go over a few ground rules..."  The man begins.

Just then, my mom comes out from the kitchen and stops in her tracks.  "No fucking way." 

"Mom, language!  We have guests."  I warn.

"We're not guests, like I said we are here to take care of this.  That is all."  The man cuts in and I become embarassed.  By 'guests' I didn't mean they were staying for dinner, Jesus man.

"Hold on, hold on.  This is that kid you freak out over and have pictures all over you're roo-"  

"Go upstairs mom, God."  I can feel my cheeks getting red with embarassment.  Harry doesn't seem to care though, he's probably used to it and knows that's how his fans are.  I'm just a typicall fan that he will forget about a minute after he's done here.  But I'm just lucky that he is here.

"Um, please come in."  I open the door wider and motion them inside and they enter.  Harry looks around, turning his head up and scrolling his eyes around my house then back at me, I smile and he winks seductively again.  What's up with that?  Harry Styles winking at me.  And more than once.  I just flash a flirty smile back.

"So, the ground rules: no pictures, no video, no nothing.  This must remain private.  Got it?"  He says flatly.  I nod nervously.

"How about you go get what we need and we'll be on our way."  The man instructed and I went up to my room to get the pen, my new favorite object that will now be taken from me.  As I make my way back down the stairs where they are both standing, I notice Harry looking me up and down, biting his lip slightly.  I hand the man the pen, unwillingly, never looking away from Harry.

"Alright, that will be all.  Have a nice day."  He turns and walks out but Harry stays standing in the same spot.  

He suddenly reaches for the back pocket of my jeans and I tense up.  What is he doing?  Then, he slides I white folded piece of paper into my pocket and leans down to say something in my ear.

"Here's another number that they won't take from you."  He says slowly and I get chills down my spine.

"W-what do you mean?"  I struggle to find words.

"Try calling or texting it sometime."  He runs his hand down my back, then stands up straight again and winks once more before leaving and getting into the black truck outside.

I'm left standing here motionless, unable to move or think.  Finally a smile crosses my lips and I run up to my room and blast music and lay on my back on my bed.  

"Lower that fucking music, you brat!"  My mom calls obnoxiously and I ignore her.

I reach into my back pocket and grab the paper Harry put in it.  I unfold it and it there's a number written out and it says "Harry" in slanted writing at the top.  My eyes widen and my lips part, I'm stunned.  I place it in a drawer next to my bed.  This is much better than the pen.

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