Chapter 8

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Harry and I are in a large truck being driven by a large man on our way to the bar.  It would be to hectik for Harry to drive alone right now since the concert just ended and there will be a lot of fans everywhere.  As I sit and observe everyone else in the car, quietly, I can't shake the thought that people know who I am, better yet they know me as the girl seen with Harry.  It's not like we're dating or anything, if only they knew what was really going on.  All hell would break loose.  

"Harry?"  I turn to him and and adverts his eyes to me.  It's loud in the truck so no one else can hear us.  

"Autumn?"  He says with a goofy smile.

"Just- I was wondering- well, why do you even want me to come with you all to the club or out anywhere?"  I blurt out.  I just don't understand it, since I'm just his 'fuck buddy' basically.  Why would he want to deal with more drama and rumors if we are nothing meaningful at all.

He furrows his eyebrows before answering.  "Why not?  It would be fun."  

"Well yeah, I guess but..."  I trail off.

"Why are you overthinking so much?  We may just be in it for sex mainly, but I'm not that much of a jerk who just kicks you to the curb when I'm done."  He puts his arm around me and I relax.  I guess I should be grateful that it's not the other way around and that he isn't a jerk who just makes me feel used.

"You're right, sorry."  I smile and he tightens his grip around me to assure me it's ok.

The car stops and the driver comes around to open the doors for us as we exit the car.  When I step  down, I tilt my head up at the tall building and Harry motions me to come.  The club, as expected, is loud and packed with people dancing on each other and getting drunk.  

"Well, lets get shit-faced."  Louis blurts out in exuberant tone, we all follow him to the bar and everyone calls out their drink to the bartender.

When we get our drinks, we split seperate ways but I stay with Harry.  I've never been to a place like this so I'd rather not wander off alone.  Harry and I finish multiple drinks and everything gets dizzy, I'm buzzed.  I take his hand and squeeze my way through the crowded people dancing and we join them.  Harry places his hands on either side of my hips and turns me around, my back pressed to his front, and I move my hips.  I turn around to face him and do the same thing, until I feel another set of hands on my lower back.  I spin around abruptly to face some random scumbag. 

"What the fuck are you doing?"  I call over the music and the guy continues to try and grind on me.  I push him off by his chest.  "Get off me!  I'm here with someone else."  I look to Harry and he's noticeably pissed.

"Don't touch her, she's with me."  He walks over to the guy. 

"What you gonna do about it?"  The guy is clearly looking for trouble.  

Harry pushes him roughly.  "Fuck off."  I step between them and face Harry. 

"Harry, leave it.  Come on."  I take his hand and guide him through the crowd once again and to another spot.  I push past the guy on my way through purposely. 

I wonder why Harry even got mad about that guy.  It's not like I'm his girlfriend.  Still, I liked that he was protective, it was kind of cute.  


We all meet up again to leave the club a few momments later.  When we aproach the doors, I see many people with large cameras and blinding flashes.  I stop walking and get really overwhelmed.  Harry notices. 

"Fuck.  It's okay, I promise.  Just keep walking straight and stay by me ok?"  He tries to assure me.  I'm hesitant as we exit the doors and are exposed to the flashes and questions being called out.

"Harry!  Is this your girlfriend?"  One of them calls out.  Harry just flashes a fake smile and puts his hand on my back to protect me.  I can't see anything because of the flashing.

"Harry."  I squeeze his hand and he covers my eyes and guides me to the opened doors of the car.  We finally make it in but the people don't go away.  "You good?"  He checks on me and I nod.

We get back to the hotel, but this time it's a different one since people found out where they were staying thanks to me, I just had to go to the gym didn't I?  I'm dilusionally tired, overwhelmed, and slightly drunk so Harry puts me into bed and climbs in after me.  

"You're different than everyone else."  He said to me.

"What do you mean?"  I answer with my eyes shut.

"A lot of girls I've been with have just used me for publicity and stuff."  He confesses and I open my eyes.

"What?  I'd never do that, that's so low.  Fuck them, they don't deserve someone like you then."  He doesn't deserve that at all, and it breaks my heart to hear that.  He wraps his arms around me and cuddles me close to him.

"That's why I like hanging out with you and being with you.  I know you're not like that."  He tells me then falls asleep.  That explains why he wanted me to go out with everyone tonight.  I kiss his cheek and drift to sleep too. 

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