Chapter 14

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My phone vibrates in my lap while I'm sitting waiting for Harry's arrival... I've been waiting a while.  

"Got stopped by these girls on the way over, sorry be there in a few :)"

I nod understandingly even though he can't see me and set my phone down again. I find my mind drifting to thoughts of Harry. He's slightly confusing at times. I mean any other guy who was just looking for someone to fool around with wouldn't be so kind or seem like he genuinely cares about her.  I don't think he has any real feelings for me in that way, but he makes me feel all happy like a child inside somehow and I find comfort in that.  Oh no, this could be dangerous... he's too charming. 

It's been a few minutes of me thinking and overthinking, I know I said I'd stop that.  I'm trying, I'm trying, I just wish I wasn't like that sometimes but oh well.  I hear the distinctive sound of a car door shut out side and I'm assuming Harry's here.  My assumptions are proven when I hear a knock on the door. Thank god there's a mirror next to the front door so I can check to see if I look alright breifly before answering the door.  

"Hey whats up?"  I say when I see Harry on the other side of the door.  He looks me up and down before his eyes meet mine with a smile.

"Hi Autumn.  Not much, sorry I'm late."  He pulls me into a warm hug and I notice he smells like a mix of vanilla and musk.  The inviting scent left on the shirt I "forgot to give back."

We subconsciously sit on the couch.  "Wait so what exactly happened on your way over?"  I say with confusion in my voice.

"Oh, these 3 girls frantically ran up to me and at first I had no idea what they were saying, and then they hugged me and we spoke for a few minutes after they calmed down."  He explains and I'm amused by his story.

"Wow... what's that like? Having people you don't even know be so frantic just to see you."  I question.

He thinks before he answers.  "Even after all the years, it's still crazy.  But good crazy.  Sometimes I don't like it though, especially when I'm trying to go see someone important." He playfully winks and I smile.

"I'm not so important."

"That's what you think."  He simply responds.  I want to ask what he means by that but I won't question him any further.  

An hour has past of watching what was already on the TV and I end up leaning my head against Harry's chest.  His comforting touch relaxes me when he pulls me closer to him.  

"So, you know the reason I'm here, don't you?"  He breaks the silence and my attention from the TV.  I think it's obvious why he's here...

"Oh... Um... Yeah, I guess."  I sigh.  I don't know why I reacted that way, I know what this whole thing is, he's just in it for an occasional lay, nothing more.  I mean I can easily admit that i'm into him... who wouldn't be, but for me it's for a different reason than most people.  He's one of the very few things that have always made me feel some form of comfort and now that I can actually talk to him and hang out with him and everything, I feel that same comfort that I always have.   

"You do?  It's that obvious?"  He seems kind of shocked.  I mean how could it be any more obvious?! Why am I not saying this to him? 

"It couldn't possibly be any more obvious..."  I say my thoughts out loud this time, slightly confused.

"Really?  Wow... you're good."  He seems even a little nervous now and suddenly I dont think we are talking about the same thing here.

"Wait, I don't think we are thinking about the same thing."  I begin.  "I think the reason you're here and the reason you even still hang out with me is to fool around, correct?"  

"Oh my god.... That's not what I was talking about at all."  He laughs a little and my expression becomes confused again.

"Well, then what is it?"  I ask and he tenses up a little and seems nervous again.  Is he nervous to tell me what it is?  What's going on?  Maybe I shouldn't have stopped overthinking because i'm totally lost right now.

"I, uh, the reason I..."  He struggles to tell me and suspense builds up from me wanting to know what it really is.  "Autumn, remember what I told you that night about how most girls i've been with have used me for publicity and stuff?"  I nod.  "And how I know you would never do anything like that."  I nod again. "Please say something, I'm getting kind of nervous."  

I smile a little, I've never seen him nervous before.  "Yes, yes I remember all that."  I say.  Of course I remember, those words he said that night were enough to sober me up from my drunken state.

"This might be a waste of time because you're too good for me anyway, but I wanted you to know that I'm not only here to fool around.  I think i'm starting to fall for you."  He thinks i'm too good for him?  That alone changes the expresion on my face to beyond shocked.  Well, that's part of it but the other thing... he's falling for me? 

"Was not expecting that."  Is all I can manage to say.  I'm caught off guard and a rush of heat takes over me.

"I'm sorry.  I understand if you don't feel the same, I just really wanted to tell you..."  I cut him off.

"Harry.  You think I'm too good for you... If anything, you're too good for me, I mean.." I trail off.

"Of course you are.  I can tell how caring and kind you are and those few days i've been with you and talking to you have been the happiest in a long time, you have no idea."  I feel tears coming as he tells me this because he's always been the one that has been the reason for my happiness and made my bad days good before he even knew of my existance. I hold back the tears and a lump rises in my throat, in a good way.

"Trust me I know exactly how you feel.  We may feel it for different reasons but you've made me happy when I had no other reason to be."  I feels amazing to finally tell him this, and his expression of pure happiness when I do makes it even better.

"So you feel the same way then?"  He looks hopeful.  I nod.

A/N hi I've started updating again, sorry it's been a while.  I needed to deal with some personal stuff bla bla bla but I'm leaving this as a cliff hanger and thanks for reading <3  <3 

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