Chapter 17

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I pull my hair into a ponytail and brush my teeth before heading to get some breakfast. It's all so casual that I was just with Harry and that he stayed over. He's different than any of the guys i know in that he's caring and sweet and I actually enjoy being with him. Had I known that we were going to get closer or hang out more, I probably wouldn't have slept with him, but I didn't know then. I'll admit it was kind of... well... slutty of me and I usually don't do one night stands but I try not to regret things. When I snap back into reality and out of my thoughts, I am finished with my breakfast.  I don't have anything to do today but maybe something will come up. 

It's been about an hour or so since Harry left and I still have no plans for today, so I decide to go to the mall to maybe get some new clothes. Ever since Harry left I've had this feeling in my stomach that can only be described by thousands of butterflies. The butterflies are still fluttering in my stomach as I drive to the mall and when I arive, I walk into my favorite clothing store. It's not so busy today and there's only one other girl in here shopping as well, but I think she's sort of following me as if she has something to ask me... Weird. I brush it off and continue shopping and seriously hoping she hasn't seen the article or heard about me.  Although, I don't think many people know about me anyway because the only time I've been noticed for it was at the concert.  

"Um... E-Exuse me?"  The girl's soft voice says to me causing me to turn to face her.


"Sorry to bother you but I was just wondering..." She seems embarassed to ask what she's about to ask.

"If that article was true? You know, like is it all a rumor or are you really with Harry?"  She finally asks and my question of whether she saw the article is answered. I can't believe she actually recognized me, it's weird.

"Oh um... I really don't know what to say, or if I even should say anything. Um, I'm sorry I gotta go." A wave of nerves rushes over me and I flee the store. I really don't know how to act in a situation like this, why would I? All I know is that I really don't want to fuck anything up.


I'm back at home and shopping was unsuccessful to say the least. Maybe another day. I really could have shopped around more and possibly got a few things to wear, but I just didn't know how to handle that whole confrontation I guess. At least there isn't too many people who know about it, or not many that I've come accross for that matter. Honestly, I'm not complaining because Harry really is sweet and I like hanging out with him. 

After I clean up my breakfast, I head upstairs and halfway into my room my mom calls me. 

"What mom..."

"Come here for a minute."

"You and that One Direction guy... What's the story?" I roll my eyes at her.

"His name's not 'that One Direction guy', it's Harry... And since when do you care about what the story is with me?" 

"Well, usually I don't." I roll my eyes once again, something I find myself doing a lot when talking to my mother. "But I'm just slightly confused. From what your sister told me, since you failed to inform me, you went to a meet and greet and a concert. So how in the hell did you end up getting all close with Harry?" She says his name with emphasis since I corrected her before.

"Mom, I really don't feel comfortable talking to you about this. Besides, he's a nice guy. Something you wouldn't know about seeing by your douchebag of a boyfriend." I say obnoxiously and walk into my room. 

Maybe that was a bit harsh. It's just that I hate that guy so much and I hate all men who treat women like shit and I can't stand her for the way she puts up with that crap. She needs to see that. All those nights when I'd wakeup at 4 am to hear crashing and yelling and hitting and no one doing anything about it. Doesn't she ever think about me? I have to live with hearing and seeing this all the time. 

Whatever, I need to get my mind off this shit to calm down. Just in time, I receive a text from Harry. 

Hey Autumn, forgot to mention, there's a concert tomorrow night.  Want you to come :) I'll have the bus pick you up from yours at 7?

A smile grows on my face as I read his message and I reply.

Sounds good! Can't wait :)

I shreik to myself quietly. I still get all giddy and exited about the concerts. I'm still just a huge fan despite everything that's currently going on. It's so exiting for me that I am going to get to see his tour bus and go with the band to the concert. Wait, I have nothing to wear. I guess I'll have to go back to the mall tomorrow and get something.

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