Chapter 19

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I begin getting ready for the concert about an hour early. It doesn't take me too long to get ready. I hop in the shower, letting the hot water drape over my body and close my eyes. I think about what it is that I'm getting ready for and smile big to myself. After my quick rinse, I step out of the shower, wrap a warm towel around my body, and walk into my room to lay out my oufit. On my bed, I lay out the new outfit I bought for the occasion, a pair of undies and a pretty bra to match. I dry my hair, do my makeup, and then slip on my outfit paired with some boots and my bag. 

I glance over at the clock and it reads 6:58. I got ready just in time because a few minutes later my phone buzzes against my dresser. I walk over to it and pick it up.


"Hey we're outside." Harry's familiar voice speaks at the other end of the phone. I can't hold back the rush of butterflies in my stomach when he tells me he's here to take me to to concert. I've never gone there on the tour bus before and I'm a little nervous but also excited.

"Alright, I'll be out in a sec!" I assure him before hanging up the phone. I quickly mist some perfume onto my chest and some on my wrists and head out the door. 

I almost stop in my tracks at the sight of what is in front of my house. I mean, I knew it would be but it just sunk in making my heart drop to my stomach in a good way. Good thing the neighbors aren't home or I'd be getting some confused looks. The doors open in front of me and I hesitantly step in, feeling extremely out of place. Is this real? I could swear this is a dream, but when I pinch myself I'm still here and I become even more nervous. 

First I see Zayn and Louis sitting on the end closest to the door and they greet me with a casual smile which I return with a "Hi". It's a bit awkward because I don't really know the other boys well but they don't seem to feel uncomfortable or anything. Maybe it's just the nerves again. When I step in further, I'm greeted by Niall then Liam. It feels to me as if I've been walking into this bus for years, I'm just so nervous. When lastly I see Harry I walk over to him and he motions me to sit next to him. I sit down and Harry pulls me into a tight hug with one arm and kisses the top of my head and I'm almost positive that I'm blushing like an idiot right now. 

The other guys are talking to each other, listening to music, practicing their own music, or watching a movie. I look around observing my surroundings. We are seated on a long velvet bench that goes the whole length of the bus and on the back wall of the bus is a decent sized flat screen TV playing some movie. I stretch my hed up and see the lights scattered across the ceiling of the bus when I am suddenly broken from my daze.

"Autumn?" Harry tightens his grip around me slightly to get my attention.

"Huh? Oh sorry, I was um-" I stumble over my words and Harry lets out a small laugh. 

"You don't have to be nervous, darling." He says lowly.

"No I'm fine! I've just never seen something like this. It's a little intimidating." I admit with humor in my voice.

"Intimidating?" He responds. "You're intimidated by us?" He laughs at the idea as if it's completely rediculous. "Guys, come over here for a minute." The rest of the guys slide down to where we are sitting.

Oh god, I hope he doesn't tell them what I said, I'd be so embarassed. They make themselves comfortable, some with their feet up on the opposite bench and some leaning casually. This somehow eases my nervousness seeing how comfortable they are and I loosen up a little before they even speak. 

"What's up? You ready for the show?" Niall asks leaning towards Harry and I with his elbows on his knees. Is he talking to me or Harry?

"Hey, don't try to chat up my girl." Harry jokes. Guess that means he was talking to me. I know I'm not his girlfriend but my heart still flutters when Harry calls me 'his girl.' I jokingly hit Harry on the arm for his sarcastic remark before answering Niall.

"Yeah can't wait! Well, it's actually not my first. I'm not sure if you remember me. I was-" I am cut off by Liam.

"You're the girl who was backstage after one of our shows, right?" Liam asks.

"Yup, that was me. I'm Autumn." I introduce myself.

"Ah, so you and this guy over here?" Liam nudges Harry playfully and Harry punches his arm laughing.

"Don't embarass her, you dick." Harry jokes and I laugh.

"Well, why would you think that? Unless 'this guy over here' bring girls backstage often." I joke and they all laugh and Liam says "Oooh! Ouch!" Harry pushes me, laughing with his dimples on display.

I continue to talk to the other guys and we all have a fun time, mostly laughing and joking around. I totally forgot about all the nervousness and 'intimidation' and begin to see why Harry was so amused at the fact that I ever felt that way. They are all so easy to talk to and extremely friendly!


We finally arrive at the stadium and it feels so different to be the only ones here. I've only ever been to a stadium when there were thousands of others in the crowd. I look around, yet again observing my surroundings and taking it all in.

"You're a curious one, aren't you?" Harry comments on my obvious amazement. 

"Well, yeah! You're probably used to this, but I've never experienced any of this." I focus my attention on him now instead of everything around me.

"Don't worry, it's cute. I'm just not used to people who aren't used to this." 

"So we're just both not used to each other." I laugh.

"Maybe." He steps closer to me. "But there will be plenty of time to 'get used to each other' after the show." He says in a husky tone sending chills down my spine. 

"Great." I simply reply with a playful wink. 


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