Chapter 5

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I pick up the paper and and my hands shake as I punch the numbers into my phone to send a text.  I write: Harry?  It's me Autumn...  Within about 30 minutes I receive a response.  It took a while but afterall, he is porbably super busy.  He wrote back: Hi, sorry about that.  Just finished a show.  What you up to, sexy? ;)  Sexy..?  My heart pounds and I smile.  I never thought I'd ever be texting Harry and I certaintly  never thought he'd be calling me "sexy."  Not knowing what to reply, I just stared at it then locked the screen.  Then suddenly I get a text: Call you in a little while, babe ;)  That's somewhat easier to reply to:  Sure :) I replied.

About 20 minutes later my phone rings.  Shit, there goes my heart beating like crazy again out of nervousness. 

"H-hello?"  I stutter unintentionally out of nerves.

"Hey, you're coming to our concert.  Tomorrow night."  He said matter-of-factly.

"W-what?  Are you serious?"  I talk while literally shaking on the other end of the phone.  Thank god he can't see me.

"Yup, couldn't be more serious.  Front row and backstage and maybe hotel after...."  My eyes widen at his words.  

"Uh, uh..."  I struggle to find words.  "Sure..."  

"Great, see you tomorrow night, love.  Sleep tight, sexy."  He flirts before ending the call.

"Holy shit..."  I wisper under my breath to myself.  This is insane.  I go over the facts:  1. Harry Styles came to my house and was checking me out the whole time.  2.  He slipped me his number and told me to call.  3.  He called me sexy.  4.  He wants me to come to his concert and go backstage.  and 5.  He wants me after the concert.  


I'm front row in the audience and screaming along with the other girls around me.  Harry watches as I dance and sing along, my hands are in the air and I'm pretty much acting no different than any other fan.  Afterall, I am just another fan only Harry consistantly flirts with me....?  The only reason I'm here is because of him,  I never would have been able to afford front row seats in a million years.  The song switches to 'Rock Me.'  Harry sings his solo verse then walks right over to me and kneels down to sing to me during the chorus.  Instead of saying the usual lyrics "I want you to rock me,"  he says "Fuck me."  I look shocked and he looks proud, standing up and walking back to the center of the stage smirking.  The girls next to and around me freak out and one girl says.

"OH MY GOD HE JUST SAID HE WANTS TO FUCK ME!!!"  She shrieks to her friend, I roll my eyes and let her have her moment. 

I continue to dance and sing along to the songs until the concert is over and they say their thank you's and goodbye's then walk off backstage.  I weave my way through the crowd which is almost impossible and extremely claustrophobic, but I make it to the side of the stage and look around.  All of a sudden a hand rests on my side and I jump at the unexpected touch.  I turn and see that it's Harry and he pulls me as he walks fast to backstage.

"Wait here."  He tells me and I do as I'm told and sit in a folding chair.   He walks off.

He returns, laughing with the 4 other members and I try to remain calm all over again.  They stop and look at me confused and a little frightened, as if I'm a crazed fan who sneaked backstage.  They realize I'm not when Harry walks over to me and takes my hand. 

"This is Autumn, she's coming to my hotel."  Harry blurts out and I become embarassed.

"Um... hi."  I wave shyly and they all greet me even though we've met before.  None of them seem to remember me, not that I thought they would, there were hundreds of girls at that meet and greet.

At the hotel, Harry and I walk into the elevator.  He stands in front of me and pulls me close to him with his hands rested on my hips.  He brushes my hair away from my neck and leans down and bites my neck gently.  The elevator reaches our floor and the doors open.  There are about 4 girls standing on the other side and they scream at the top of their lungs when they see Harry.  

"Who the fuck is that?  Harry! I love you!  Please marry me!"  Are some of the things they said, but we kept walking to the room at a fast pase.  We make it into the room and Harry shuts and locks the door.

He walks over to me and simultaniously, as if we were both thinking the same thing, we crash lips.  I rest my hand on his neck as our tongues fight for dominance.  He pushes me backwards towards the bed until I fall back on it.  I rest on my elbows as he takes off his shirt standing in front of me.  He returns to me and lifts my shirt over my head, throwing it to the side carelessy.  His hand travels gently up my stomach and I shiver under his touch.

"Are you nervous?"  His body appears over mine and my eyes scan his tattoo'd abs.  I shake my head no to tell him that I'm not nervous.

"Good.  Nothing to worry about, dear."  I rest my hand on his shoulders to pull him down to meet me in a kiss. 

"I want you to 'fuck me'."  I mimmick what he said to me on stage and he smirks.

He trails his fingers over my stomach giving me chills.  He pulls off my pants and then his and I move back on the bed.  He crawls over me and lines up at my entrance.  He gives me a look that means 'are you ready?' and I wrap my arms around his back and nod.  He thrusts into me swiftly causing a moan to escape my lips.  He picks up speed and I moan his name, he lets out small grunts.  He causes me to reach my climax and his shortly after.  

I was going to get up to leave because he probably doesn't want to be bothered having me stay there.  Plus, he most likely has something to do tomorrow anyway.

"Where you going?"  He pulls me by the waist back into the bed and I giggle. 

"I was just going to use the bathroom."  I lied, maybe I was wrong about him not wanting me to stay here.  "But actually, I'm good now."  I get back into bed.

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