Chapter 4

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Autumns pov.

Someone shook my shoulders and I pushed them away. "Go away." I muttered and whent back to sleep.

"no,We should get ready for school Autumn." Raven's voice said and she shook me again.

"I think I'll skip. Have a fun day." I said in a monotone and hid under my covers...only to have the covers thrown off me.

"Autumn get ready now. Your going to be late! You are going and that is final,now get your ass in the bathroom!"

"Yes mom!" I huffed and tumbled out of bed and into an ice cold shower. I did everything I had to and by the time I was done Raven was waiting with two black back packs. She held one out to me and I took it unwillingly.

I didnt like school at home and I dounted i'd like it here.

"C'mon Toby is meeting us by the main building!" She said wide awake and dragged me away. I stumbled behind trying to wake myself up. Needless to say I am not a morning person.

A few minutes later we met Toby.

"Hello ladies." He said charmingly and the two love birds had a googley eye moment. "Um ok lets go inside."

We did so and I checked my roaster. Lets just say these werent the usual type of classes.

"Uh...Cooking class...for canabals? Dark arts? How to hunt deer,not people? Are you serious?" I squeeked looking at my paper. Was I seeing things?

"Yep! See we have all different classes here. Mostly so newbies can find out what they are but also so we all understand eachother,you know like stepping into other's shows? Alll creatures have their own class. Cooking class:Mainly for vamps. Dark Arts: Mostly magic and element bending. Hunting class: That would be the wolves. Theres much more by the way but like I said we're allowed to choose whatever classes. Any questions?"

Like a hundred! "No." I lied.

"Ok well looks like Raven and I have a few classes together. Let me see yours." Toby said and I haned him my rouster. "Crap we have one and thats at the end of the day. You'll have to go on your own till then."

The bell rung everyone hurried away in different sections.

"Thats the que. See you later and good luck Autumn!" Toby said and they walked away, Raven wiggled her eye brows and I chuckled.

"Ok ok...Cooking class is..." I muttured to myself and looked at the doors for a label.

I finally found it and I walked in looking for an empty seat. Hunter waved a hand to me from the back, I joined him.

"Ofcourse you'd be in here." I said rolling my eyes.

"Aw missed you too sweety!"

I wacked his arm and we sat down listening to our asignment: Spaggetti and blood.

I noticed I wasnt the only non vampire here...that included Savior. He glared at us and I flipped him off.

We started cooking and I tryed not to gag while we cut open the blood bags.

"So explain to me why im here? Along with other people who dont find blood appitizing?"

"Well we get asigned classes like that just to kinda intertwine. You never know you might marry a vampire and have kids. What are you going to do?"

"Oh yeah mommy im hungry and I bite you?" I micked a little innocent child's voice.

"Our children would never do that!" Hunter said offended. "You'd really think I'd let our children ever-"

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