Chapter 22

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"You're physco!" I shouted trying to run down the hall, I could never run. Years and years of ballet you see.

Then I remembered, I saw Toby's room coming up, I darted toward the wall and went through.

"What the hell Raven!" Jace shouted with his girlfriend in his arms, they were both lacking something very important at the moment.

"Grab me my boxers." He asked his girlfriend.

I darted through the next wall, and the next. I went across the hall and darted in to my dorm gasping for breath.

I looked to see it Autumn was there. She wasn't.

"Your girlfriend is insane." I said to Savioir still trying to catch my breath.

"Funny, we just said the same about you." Savioir smirked and pat me on my back.

"Oh Toby, I wouldn't go back to your dorm for a while..." I laughed

"Well when I went through the wall I went into your door. And your brother was how do I put this getting verrryyy friendly." I smirked evily

Toby remained silent, he just looked at me.

"He was naked." I blunlty said.

"Oh you poor child!" Savioir said hugging Toby, "You girlfriend saw your brother naked before you naked."

"How do you know?" I asked wickedly, and winked at Toby.

"You would have been 10 times more giddy then you normal are....If that is possible." Savioir commented back.

The door knob began to turn, and I ran behind Toby. "Don't let her kill me." I whispered

Autumn walked in with a bat, no longer in flames thankfully.

"Well that was fun!" Autumn said laughing giving me a hug.

"To the video games!" Savioir shouted

"Huzzah!" We all shouted in unison

"I call next!"

I shouted. The night went on, it was tons off fun. Dancing playing video games, but me and Autumn started to get tired..

"Here we can put a movie in." Toby said fixing the TV so the DVD player would work.

"Let's see we could watch-"

"Oh! I have some old twilight zone series on DVD?" I said, sitting on the floor.

"That works!" Savioir laughed and put the DVD in, he moved to the couch and sat with Autumn, Toby sat on the floor with me.

After a while I became tired and decided to lay down, "Here." Toby said letting me use his chest as a pillow. He wraped his arms around me and I listened to his heartbeat.

After another episode or two I felt myself drifiting away.

"Good night, Raven." Toby whispered as he kissed me on the forehead.

"Hmm...Toby...." I fell alseep.

Autumn's pov.

"Pssst!" I hissed and Savior raised an eyebrow.

"What is it?" He chuckled.

"Looks like someone fell asleep." I said with an evil grin. We slowly turned to look at the two love birds in a deep sleep.

"You thinking what im thinking?" He smirked on the same page with me.

I nodded and we slowly got up. "Lets see what we find." I whispered and we quitely ramsacked the room for enteresting supplies. 10 minutes later we found enough things to bring hell to every student here.

"So we have sharpies,whip cream, paint, shaving cream, bikini's, embarrsing clothes, and so much more..." Oh the ideas I was getting already.

"Oh honey you forgot the inflatable matress and the lake" Savior said just as evily.

"Oh this is gotta be the best night of my life."

"For now it is." He winked and heat rose to my cheeks. Asshole.

"Shut up!" I whisper screamed and slapped his arm. He stiffled a laugh and his shoulders shook instead.

"So shall we begin my dear?"

"Oh yessss."

Lets just say Raven and Toby were in for a surprise when the woke up....

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