Chapter 25

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Autumn's pov.

"Still mad?" Savior laughed and I continued to childishly give him the silent treatment. "Seriously."

I crossed my arms and nodded with a smirk on my lips.

I was in the library with Toby and Raven, perfectly fine with my ice coffee and cookie when Mr fallen angel decided to stop by. Although he knew he was better off keeping his distance. Smart one decided to drag me off into the book shelfs in hopes to get me to crack.

Ask me it only gave me an oppurtunity to kill him with no witnesses.

"Its been three days! Gosh all I did was carry out your life long fear and shove you onto a diving board after you repeatedly begged not to. Is that so bad?!"

"Did you hear one word throughout that entire statment?" I squeeked.

"Aha! I made her speak!" He smirked and I clamped my mouth shut. "Ok im sorry I get it. I scared you and it was stupid...but you must admit funny. Just please stop ignoring me woman! Its driving me mad!"

I pretended to consider it."Ok." I said sweetly.

"Why do I get a feeling you've got some evil plan?" his eyebrow rose.

"Oh you know me too well!" I laughed. "But seriously, theres kinda a favor i need to ask of you. Will you do it?"

"Depends on what it is..." He said cautiously. Damn it he did know me too well.

"Well...Toby and Hunter mentioned earlier the" sacred room"? They said it was a hidden cieler where the towns strongest witches and benders kept their tricks and books before they were murdered."

"What? You want to go into that spooky place? Whats the point of that?" He asked shocked for a minute. " Besides Its locked theres no way you could even get in Autumn."

"I can practically feel more power and strength at my finger types but i dont know how to distribute it ok? We could also find out more info on ghosts. You know how much that would mean to Raven! Its a waist to have all thoes books of knowledge locked up there while we're stuck here confused! And I cant walk through walls...but you can."

He thought about it for a second and he seemed to be arguing with himself.

I gave the boy my mastered puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh! Fine! " He cracked. "We have to go now,while its really dark."

"Um ok,We should probably tell Toby and Raven,maybe they'll want to tag along-" I said going back to the table but he stopped me.

"Autumn,thoes witches, earth benders, and phantoms who lived in that room were murdered. Everyone has it in their head its haunted and dangerous. They'll never let you go."

"Wait is it?" Maybe this wasnt the greatest idea.

I felt his warm hand slide into mine and interwine our fingers.

"Dont worry." He gave the crooked smile i loved. "I wont let anything happen. But they'll never let you go you know."

I looked back at my close friends at the table flirting and i felt sorta bad knowing they wouldnt be ok with this. But I had to find some things out,for both me and Raven. The look on her face would be priceless when we returned with answers to her long list of questions.

"Ok" I nodded and pecked his cheek. He gave a smile and squeezed my hand.

I let him lead us to the last place we should of been.

Raven's pov.

I took a sip of Toby's iced tea and a bite of his pretzel. "Rave, your food is right there!" He said greedily.

"But yours looks so much better!"

"Yeah yeah. Hand me the black magic text book?" He asked holding his arm out.

"Ugh, when will exams be over?!" I shouted impatiently

"Hey check our Autumn and Savioir leaving the party early." Toby said evily. I know that look, it was the same look Autumn had when we were waiting for Ezra.

"Shit!" I whispered and closed my books and began to follow them. I felt someone grab my hand.

"What are you doing?!" Toby asked confussed.

"Did you tell Autumn anything that would make her want to go out and look for it?" I said in a rush

"Hunter and I were talking about the sacred room with her." He said confussed.

I grabbed a large text book about fairies and smacked his arm with it.

"Why?! Autumn is going to go out and look for it!" I whisper shouted.

"How am I supposed to know that!" Toby snapped back.

I thought about it for a while, he would have never known.

"You're right. I'm sorry, but we have no time right now. We have to go with her." I said as I hurried after her.

"No body who goes in comes out, we will be toast!" Toby said as he walked after me.

"So the legend goes." I said blankly

We walked out of the library and I saw Savioir's car driving into town. I began to run to the stables.

I mounted Mr. F and Toby quickly followed. "I can drive if you want." He joked.

"Na, I know a short cut."

We began to chase after Savioir's car.

"Do you have a plan?" Toby shouted over the loud sound of the wind.

"For once no!" I shouted back. We began to slow down when we came across the house

"Autumn!" I shouted, she turned around and ran over to us.

"What the hell are you doing here." She asked

"You don't think I would let my best friend take this on alone?" I smirked as Toby extended his hand to help me dismount.

Savioir walked over. "Alright we can all hug and kiss later."

"Anyone ever tell you that you are an ass?" I asked playfuly

"Everyday." He joked as he put his arm on my shoulder

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