Chapter 17

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Raven's pov

Wow, I saw and heard all of that from the roof...I cant help but feel this is my fault. If I didn't tell Autumn about me and Toby she wouldn't have felt unloved by Savioir.

I need to fix this somehow, I ran down to the dorm to see Autumn quickly wiping tears away from her face.

"Hey.." She said finally taking a breath of air.

"Oh, sweetie." I said as I ran over to her and just hugged her as she cried, I never saw her this emotional, and I knew Savioir never ment to hurt her.

She stopped crying and looked up at me, "Thanks, but can I be alone for a bit?"

"Sure thing, just call me if you need me." I said giving her one more hug as I walked out the door. Now to find Savioir..

I went to his dorm and knocked, no answer. I turned around and he was there. "You have to stop doing that!" I said catching my breath after that scare.

"How is Autumn?" He asked with a worried look in his eyes.

"Emotional, give her a few days before you say anything to her."

"Why did she bring it up all of a sudden?"

"Well I told her about my night with Toby, and he said he loves me and then she thought because you didn't say it you dont love her." I said feeling terrible about it all.

"I didn't want to hurt her, it was a misunderstanding."

"I know you, if you ment to hurt her you wouldn't have cared, and I would have punched you in the face again by now." I felt the pain in my arms again

I began to walk away and he becan to go inside his dorm. Then I remembered something, "Oh! And by the way, thanks for helping Toby."

He smiled and closed the door.

I doubt I made things much better, but I felt horrible, I walked down a few doors and knocked on Toby's door. Jace answered and smiled, "Long time, no see."

"How have ya been?" I asked trying to be social

"Alright, one sec. TOBY!" he shouted in the dorm.

"I am right here no need to yell!"

Toby came to the door and smiled when he saw me, he wraped his arms around my waist.

"Hey, beautiful."


"Whats wrong?"

I filled him in on the story, as we took a walk in the woods.

"They will be alright. Everyone fights Rave." We sat down near a stream, I felt better about it all. He was right, they would be fine.

I took off my converse and rolled up my flaired jeans to my knees, and put my feet in the water.

"What did Savioir give you advice about?" I asked laughing

"Well thats a secret, and if I tell you i would have to kill you!" He said with an evil laugh

"I'd like to see you try!" I shouted back and without another I was pulled in the steam.

We splashed eachother back and fouth for a while, "Truce! Truce!" He said putting his hands infront of his face. I stopped and walked back over to where my shoes were,

I layed down on my back in hopes to dry off a bit, just then the sun disapeared. I opened my eyes and saw Toby leaning over me. I smiled as he leaned in to kiss me. We were both lost in the kiss until my phone buzzed.

"It's Autumn.." I looked at Toby as I put my converse back on.

"Let's go." He extended his hands and helped me up.

Autumn's pov.

I sat on the bench and stared down at my cup of ice coffee. My chest hurt and I tryed to think of everything but the brake up last night.

But i this is what a break up feels like?

Cuz it sucks!

I felt eyes on me and I looked up to see Savior watching me on his way to the library. His blue eyes held a ting of guilt and sorrow, he sheepishly raised his hand and waved weekly. I looked away.

Why did this hurt so much?

Just then then a felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around in my seat to see Raven and Toby standing there,hand in hand. Ouch.

"Hey I got a missed call from you. You ok?" She asked worried.

I thought back and remebered i never called. I let out a weak laugh.

"I must have butt dialed you." I chukled and got up making sure my back was to Savior. "Sorry."

"Its cool. So how are you holding up honey?" She asked, I noticed her eyes flick somewhere behind me. I knew who she was looking at.

"Im fine." I lied and looked away. I shivered but it wasnt becaus of the breeze.

"Autumn,Im so sorry-" I cut her off.

"Its not your fault he didnt feel the same way." I whispered.


"Raven I dont want to talk about it." I begged. My eyes where threating to betray me. "Go out,have fun. Im going to read a book or something."

"You sure?" Toby asked. He saw through it too.

"Yeah yeah go ahead. See you guys later." I said walking off leaving the cute couple to enjoy each others presence.

I walked into my dorm building and again I felt that fimialar stare. I turned around and Savior was just walking in with pleading eyes.

I forced myself to look away and I kept walking. Turning the corner I slammed right into someone. Hunter.

"Hey." He said softly and gave me a crooked smile. Seeing my glossy eyes it dropped.

He knew.

"Hi." I replied,my voice cracking. Next thing I knew arms were thrown around me and he was giving me a bone cruhsing hug. I hugged him back like it was for dear life. It felt nice.

I choked back the tears.

No need to be a wuss in public now is there? Gosh i feel like one of thoes girls who should be watchinga nd eating icecream while crying over break ups. What has this world come to?

"Autumn its ok. " he said and held me tighter. "Do you want to come inside?"

I nodded and he let me in holding my hand. I looked back to see a confused and hurt fallen angel. I shook it off and hunter closed the door behind us. I sat on his bed and completly broke down.

"Hey,hey,hey" I heard hunters voice and he said next to me,pulling me closer to cry one his shoulder. He practically held me as I sobbed.

He held me for a while and brushed my hair,drowsiness started to wash over me as I slowly stopped balling my eyes out.

"I saw what happened autumn. Im  so sorry" He said softly.

"I thought he cared. Turns out i was wrong" I whispered. Gosh I felt like one of thoes broken hearted annoyin girls you see on tv. "Im tired. Can I sleep for a little?"

"Go ahead he said and laid us down, I rested my head and let the last few tears slip away as i slipped into uncounsousness.


"mhm?" I asked sleeply.

"I care." i was all i heard in a whisper and I was welcomed into the fimilar darkness of my haven.

I fell asleep.

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