Chapter 6

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Raven's pov

I said goodbye to Toby and walked to my assiagned class room. I see a few students in there, it was a relife when I saw Zelda there. At least I wasn't alone.

"You got transfered?" She asked me looking curiously at me.

"From Dark Arts, I guess I am not a which." I said smiling

The class started to fill up, there was one seat left. Autumn walked in, I smiled.

"Why are you here, I see you enough. This is my time away from you!" She said joking as she sat down across from me and Zelda.

"I will never have enough time with you my darling!" I said in my 1950's actress impression. Autumn and Zelda laughed.

A women walked in, short but skinny. She never introduced herself, she jumped right into class.

"Who here knows what a hippocampus is?" She asked looking up at us.

Zelda and a few others raisied their hands, she pointed to a boy in the back. I saw him around here but I never introduced myself.

"Some call it a sea horse, because it's upperhalf is a horse and its lower half is a fish tail." He said confedently. The women in the from of the room nodded her head. "And what about a headless horse?" She asked.

I raised my hand, I have seen them on my first day, but I know nothing of them. Please don't call on me. Please don't call on me. Her eyes locked on mine and nodded her head. Just my luck.

"A Headless Horse, is simply an undead horse?" I said shly, she nodded and continued on "They are called headless horses because of the common idea that evenutaly their head would fall off. This of course in most cases is not true. Now who are the few who can ride these animals?"

"Elves and shapeshifters and on rare occassion anyone else." Zelda said in reply to the teacher's glare.

Everyone walked outside, even though class wasn't over. "Where are we going?" I asked Autumn.

"The stables, we are going to try and ride the two of them." Looked over to me smiling

"Who is first?" The teacher asked. Everyone was silent...

"I'll try it." I steped forward, and was handed the reigns. I mounted the horse without a problem, everyone gasped. The horse began to walk forward, I smiled. I nudged it's side with my heels and we began to sprint around the grounds, I was loving this. I saw the teacher speaking and decides to go back to the group. I dismounted and walked over to Autumn and Zelda.

"Does this mean you are and elf or shapeshifter?" Autumn asked.

"I have no idea..."

"Toby might." Zelda whispered to us. Class ended and the rest of the day went on as usual. After school I dropped my bag of at the dorm before I walked over to the stables.

"Anything happen with Savioir today?" I asked Autumn moving my eyebrows.

"He asked me out on a date tonight." She said happily.

"Oohh! Where? Do you know what you are gonna wear?" I asked eagerly

"He is gonna drive me to the town and we are going hang out there. I will probably wear jeans and a nice top."

"Well if I am not back when you leave, have fun!" I said as I began to walk out the door.

"Thanks!" With that I closed the door, I was happy for her. I know he wouldn't hurt her, he cared about her too much. Or at least he looked that way..

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