Chapter 10

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Raven's pov

"I am not a child! I can protect myself! I don't want or need to be escorted from place to place!" I shouted at Toby.

"I just want-"

"To protect you. I know" I cut him off before he could finish. I knew he ment good, but I am sick and tired of it.

"Then what would you like me to do? Let you get killed by this guy knowing I could have saved you!" He shouted back.

"I am not a princess who needs to be saved by prince charming everytime someone bad is in their life! And who says this guy is going to end up killing me? I know how to fight!" This was getting no where, the two of us shouting in the cemetery. I few people stoped to watch the unfolding drama between the two lovers.

He looked upset, but anger took over, "Fine go and get yourself killed! Why should I care!" He screamed. I stormed away, angry and upset. I walked into the arena and grabbed a bow and a few arrows, then a knife.

I made my way back to my dorm, I got a few looks for carrying a bow with arrows and a knife, but now was not the time to care about any of that. I opened the dorm door and put the weapons under my bed.

I stormed out of my dorm, and walked right into Toby on my way out. Just my luck.

"Hey..." He said awkwardly.


"I get it your mad at me." He began to walk away.

"No, I am mad because I don't have any space to breath. I get that you are trying to keep me safe but sitting around will only drag this out more." I said without turning around to look at him.

"Please don't go out there Raven." he begged

I finally turned around to see him about a foot away from me.

"I am not letting this guy control my life." I said frustrated and began to walk away, I felt horrible...

I pulled out my phone to text Autumn. I am going to the cafe. Hurry up!

Autumn's pov

 My phone beeped and shifting myself on Savior's lap I pulled it out. We had decided to take a break after hours and hours of practicing.

I unlocked the touch screen and read her message.

Im going to the cafe. Hurry up!

Judging by the rush something had happened. Making sure to keep the messages hidden from Savior i txted back.

Whats wrong?

I got a quick reply.

Toby and his protectiveness happened! He wont even give me a break to breath! I feel like a child! He is not trapping me,Im going into town chill at the cafe and actually get some air. I know they wont like it but i dont care right now. You in or not?

How exactly are we getting there?

I was hoping you could snatch Savior's keys.....

I blinked my eyes to make sure I wasnt imaging things. Was she serious? This argument must have been serious.

How am I going to take his keys without him noticing exactly?

That my dear is all in your hands ;)

K Raven,give me 10 minutes. I'll meet you by the lot.

Iclicked my phone shut and met Saviors curious gaze on me. Oh crap...

"Who was that?"

"Oh just Raven." I decided to go on efore he could as further questions. "Um Im tired.Walk me back?"

I got up and he took my hand while I tryed to think up a plan. Gosh Im so dead if he figures it out.

"Ok thats fine." He nodded and we started walking off towards the dorms. :You did pretty good today by the way."

"Awww! Thank you!"

I saw a smile crack his lips as he rolled his eyes. we reached the building and I could see Raven making her way to the other exit,...carrying weapons.

Well thats not suspicsous!

She dropped something and Savior turned to look over when I cupped his face and crushed my lips to his. I heard Raven's boots clanking as she ran off.

I felt horrible that I was doing this to him...but my best friend needed me. The last thing I wanted to do is hurt either one of them. But Raven was like a sister,we'd always have eachother's backs.

We pulled back for air and leaned our forheads together.

"Damn..." He breathed. I was never the one to make the first move. But now I think I kinda liked it.

I smiled and brought a hand to his neck and the other to his waist as I realized I still needed thoes keys.

He leaned in and closed the distance between us. Good,he didnt get it yet. While he played with my hair I let my fingers slowly trail to his pockets and play with the material for a second so I wouldnt raise suspicsion. When he deepened the kiss and I knew he was distracted, I slowly reached in and hooked my fingers around his keys. I pulled them out and slipped them in my back pocket.

I pulled back slowly and im sure I looked just as dazd as he did.

"Um,I should get inside." I blushed.

He let out a chuckle before kissing my cheek. "Night."

I nodded and whent inside and shut the door behind me. I waited for his foot steps to fade and I set into action.

I changed my boots into converse incase we needed to make a run, I grabbed a pocket knife we always kept hidden just incase and climbed out the back window.

I ran out the back making sure to not be seen by any of Toby's or Saviors friends.

When I reached the lot one pissed off Raven was waiting by my boyfirend's car,

"Hey." I smiled weakly.

"Hi. Thank you for doing this."

"Sure. We better get going, I dont know how much longer it'll take him t realize I took his keys." I rushed out and climbed in the driver's seat. Raven climbe din the passanger and threw somethings into my lap as I drove away from campus.

And I thought I felt horrible before.

"Take the pocket knife. I'll use the arch if we turn out to need it."

I nodded and slipped it into my pocket. We reached town and stopped by the cafe. We whent in ordered our stuff and set down at a comfy booth.

Raven told me about the fight and I told her about the weird tingly feelings Ive been getting in my fingers.

Hours passed and I noticed my friend calming down. We decided to go for a walk and a chill ran up my spine.

Stoping,I looked all around us. No one was there.

"Hey what is it?" Raven asked.

"Just a weird feeling."

"Its probably Savior and Toby cursing us to hell." She laughed and dragged me away as we kept walking.

We whent on and the chills grew stronger.

I couldnt shake off the feeling we were being followed.

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