Episode 1: School

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Play til 1:22 for Frist day tell ya when to play
Italics: Singing
Bold and italics: Thoughts
Bold: Me talking or POV change
1st song: Frist Day
2nd song: Valentine's Day

Geno's POV

"BROSKI!!" "B-B-RO" yelled two voices I groaned and tried to move to my side but I guess SOMEONE wouldn't get off me. "BROSPH!!!! WAKE UP!!!" Yelled the voice I groaned in defeat and I woke up "what is it Fresh?" I asked. "Sch-school" said Error "OH F*CK!" I yelled "GET OFF FRESH!!" I shouted Fresh got off of me. I'm Geno I'm a 3rd year student in High School and the oldest outta my brothers, Error and Fresh.

"CO-COME ON-ON!!" Shouted Error, Error is my first little brother and he's also in 3rd year of High School. "HOLD UP YA BOTH ARE SO UN-RADICAL !!!" Yelled Fresh, Fresh is the youngest and in 2nd year of High School. I took care of the two since our so called parents left us I made sure they were fed and sheltered. "COME ON OR I'LL LEAVE YOU GUYS BEHIND!!!!" I shouted "HO-HOLD UP-UP!!!" Shouted Error "BROSPH!!!!!NOT COOL!!!" Shouted Fresh.

        The school we are heading to is Multi High School the reason it is called "Multi High School " is because millions of monsters go there. While we were walking we began to sing * play music Frist day end 1:22 and change every I expect the frist three verses and wait for the person to start singing then read*It is the first day don't know where I stand anymore" I sang "I get my hands in my pockets I stare at the floor " sang Error "when I walk though the halls I fall flat on my face?" Sang Fresh. "Are we over our heads, are monsters even know our names?" I sang "give it time it's ok if we don't figure everything over night" sang Error "it's too late to turn back now gotta fight, 1,2,3 "sang Fresh. "gotta be everything that we can, we might fail, if thats the way it's gotta be" I sang "we'll prove there more to us then what you see. we'll live our lives." Sang Error "ALL ON THE FRIST DAY!!!" Finshed Fresh * stop song at 1:22*

"Ok you two meet here! After school." I commanded "O-O-Ok." Said Error "K brosph!" Said Fresh. "Be safe!!" I said "OK!" Yelled both of them I sighed maybe I'm being too protective I thought not noticing bumping into someone. "Oh sorry!" I said "No prob!!" Said a cheerful voice I opened my eyes seeing blue stars. "O-o-o-oh h-h-h-hi!" I began to glitch "Hm? IS SOMETHING WRONG?!!" Yelled/ Asked the new skeleton who had wore a blue bandana, garish blue shirt, black pants, and baby blue boots. "I-I-I'm o-ok...." I said voice going to normal "Are you sure??" Asked the Skeleton "Yeah." I said.

   "Well I am Blueberry call me blue!!!" said Blue "Geno." I said "Well Geno meet my friends their nice!!!" Said blue. "ok...." I said we walked to a group of skeletons "Oh blue!!" Said one with a cape "Whose your new friend?" Asked one with a scarf "Yeah who?" Asked one with a hood. "Oh this is Geno he is new in..." said Blue "3rd year." I said "oh You and Alter are stuck together!" Said the caped one. "I'm Ink!" Said the scafted one "I'm Dream!" Said the caped one "I'm Alter." Said the hooded one. "Can I see your classes?" Asked all of them "Sure...." I said giving them my classes.

These are the classes;

1. homeroom
2. Art
3. 11th grade math ( MATH!!!!F*CK YOU!!)
4. Balance Lit. ( or Langue Arts )
5. Lunch
6. Gym
7. 11th grade Social Studies ( or History )
9. 11th grade science

"!!!YOU HAVE ME,ALTER, DREAM, AND INK IN HOMEROOM AND BALANCE LIT AND LUNCH!!" Shouted Blue. "Then everything else expect Science and Cooking with Alter." Said Ink "Then gym with me." Said Dream "Art with me!" Said Blue "Cooking with me!" Said Ink. "So Geno wanna be friends?" Asked all of them I smiled "Yeah.." I said they jumped up smiling "OH SHOOT WE ARE GONNA BE LATE!!!" Yelled Alter. Before I knew it Alter pushed us all to homeroom well dragged us. 

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