Episode 14: Confession

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above confession yandere simulator

yup only one song this part. that is confession from yandere sim good game check it out!!!

Reaper's POV

       it's been days since we found out about our abilities and me and my friends are planning to confess to the crushes but........"AHHH WHAT IF HE SAYS NO!!!" Yelled Cross. "OH NO!!!!ALL THOSE CHEEKY FLIRTS GOT ME HURT!!!WHAT IF THIS KILLS ME" Yelled lust "CaLm....CaLm....CaLm....I CAN'T STAY CALM!!" Screeched Error. Yeah....Not going so well....Cross running around the house, Lust is sitting in a corner, Error is screaming, Fell ummm no idea, and me I am currently sucking my thumb bone.

"EEEEEEKKKKK!!!" Screamed Fell. Oh there's Fell he's screeching like a girl good job fell then I stopped sucking my thumb bone. "OK CLAM IT WE ARE NERVOUS BUT CLAM IT!!" I yelled everyone stopped. "Now come up with a way to ask your crush out!!!" I said everyone nodded "REAPER WE'RE LATE!!!" Yelled Cross. "F**********************CK!!!!WE'RE TEN MINUTES LATE FOR THIS GOD D*MN BULLSH*IT!!!" I yelled kicking the door down.


Reaper's POV

Me and Lust ran into our base-group when a mean ran I mean we broke down the door and fell flat on our faces. "Everybody do the flop......." mumbled Lust I smacked the back of his head "No." I mumbled. "Lust, Reaper your late." Said Mr. Nightmare I stood up along with Lust "sorry." I said "it's ok.. SEATS NOW!!" He commanded going gooey and black. Me and Lust ran to our seats think of ways to confess to Geno.... hmmm IDEA!! I thought.

       "notes?" I said " yup I gonna put them on desk every class I have with Alter witch is one." He said. "you?" Asked Lust "I'm planning to take him
To the garden and pick a white lily " I said. "d*mn" said Lust I smirked.


Geno's POV

"HEY GENO!!" Yelled a familiar voice I turn around and blushed a tiny red "Reaper what do you want Baka." I said. "can you come with me for a quick second?" He asked I nodded he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the garden. * play confession * he picked a white lily "Geno.....I want to say is I love you and always will........would you like to be mine?" He said. HOLY SH*T I screamed in my head  " YES!!I LOVE YOU TOO!!!" I yelled hugging him happy tears came down.

    He smiled and hugged back then he put the flower in my scarf I smiled then he clanked his teeth on mine. My pinpricks widen HE JUST KISSED ME!!!! HOLY SH*T MY FIRST KISS!!! I thought I pressed back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. * Bells ring * we broke the kiss he growled a bit "Stupid school.." he mumbled he hugged me "See ya around love." He said smiling I nodded and nodded. * stop confession *

Dream's POV


         I was walking around school when someone grabbed me I was gonna scream but someone covered my teeth. "Dream calm it's me Cross..." said Cross I calmed down he let go of me "Sorry for doing that to you.." he said. "It's ok." I said "It was the only way to tell you something." He said * play Confession * "what??" I asked. "um....I-I.....Love you...." he said blushing purple my pinpricks turned into hearts "Really??" I asked he nodded "You probably don't- " I cut him off by hugging him.

    "Love you too..." I said he smiled he made me look at him and he clanked his teeth to mine. My first kiss????? I thought I closed my sockets and pressed back we pulled away "First Clank??" He asked I nodded. He patted my head "We should get class.." he said "Ok." I said "See you later??" Asked Cross. "yes." I said going to my class and him too. * stop confession *

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