Episode 4: What hurts the Most.

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Above What hurts the most by Rascal Flatts

Sad piano music thanks KitKat_The_Chicken for this song idea plz follow her

Witch hunt by Vocaloid

Below Quiet Romance

Gravity Falls music box

Italics: Singing
Bold and italics: Thoughts
Bold: Me talking and POV change
1st song: What hurt the most by Rascal Flatts
2nd song : Sad Piano once again THANK YOU KitKat_The_Chicken !
3rd song : Witch Hunt by Vacoloid
4th song: Quiet Romance
5th song: Gravity Falls theme music box

Alter's POV

     I walked to school and met up with my friends "EYYYYYYYY ALTER!!" Yelled Dream Geno was holding down Blue I guess he had sugar. "Hey....What's wrong with Blue??" I asked "Eh....Sugar." Said Ink we all walked to basegroup. When we got there we all went to our seats and smiled "HEY MOVE!" Yelled a random girl "W-why?" I asked scared. "LUST IS GONNA SIT BEHIND YOU SO I WANNA SIT NEXT TO HIM!" She yelled "What's going on here?~" asked a voice I knew too well.

     The girl gasped "LUSTY THIS BOY IS SITTING IN MY SPOT!" She shouted I gave her a stare.

Ink's POV

I saw Alter was getting forced outta his seat "OH H*LL NO!!" I yelled pushing the girl "HE WAS THERE FIRST SO SHUT UP B**CH!" I yelled. Alter stood up "i-it's o-ok I-ink." He said "Sorry about that." I said helping the girl. "it's ok but....MOVE B**CH GET OUTTA THE WAY!" Yelled the girl Alter rolled his eyes. "Hey what's going on?" Asked Geno "Nothing..." said Alter "Some girl is why!" I said. "Ink it's ok." Said Alter "Ok.. " I said


Alter's POV

    As we walked into the lunch room I saw something I never wanted to see* play 2nd song * that same girl in homeroom was sitting next to Lust. My eyes widen as tears dropped "Alter?" Asked Ink "G-go I-I'll m-meet u-up w-with you g-guys l-later." I said. "Alter what's wrong?" Asked Geno "N-Nothing I-I w-will c-catch u-up later" I said. "You sure you have a negative feeling.." said Dream but I teleported away.


Alter's POV

        I stared at the field full of flowers and the river there like an idiot I sighed as I stare was life worth it anymore "Lust would be better left with her." I said. * stop 2nd Song *I kept thinking that until....I began to sing. * begin 1st Song *

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