Episode 10: Reaper's Finding

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Above Mysterious Clues music box

Below Promise music box

Romance De Amor KitKat_The_Chickethanks for the idea!!

Anime sad music box.

Bold: me talking or POV
Italics: thoughts
Italics and Bold: Cross Chara or C. Chara
Song 1: Mysterious Clues music box
Song 2: promise music box
Song 3: Romance De Amor Music box
Song 4: Anime sad music box.


I kept looking a flashed my eye in an area with a wood stand and a book I stared at it.



Reaper's POV

* play song 1 * As I stared at it I was wondering if that could be A Reaper's Tale. "oh hello you've found the book that Error kid returned." Said a monster behind me. I jumped up "YESH!!DON'T SNEAK UP TO ME!!!" I shouted "Oh sorry but are you Reaper?" Asked the monster. "yes why??" I asked "Cuz the Error kid left if for you. He paid and everything." Said the monster. "Really??" I asked "Yup go ahead and take it." He said he knew it was me.. I thought.

I took the book and left the book store and walked home. When I got home I put the book on my desk well in the locked drawler where the fairy wing is. I used my magic on the piece wing of wing I sighed "It's a butterfly wing but who did it belong too.." I mumbled. I opened the book and I read though the story again I sighed after the last page.  My pinpricks went small "Pages ripped out....could these be the other stories." I mumbled. I put the book and fairy wing in the drawler and locked it. * Stop song 1 *


   I was home alone today I told Cross I was not feeling well so he went to school so I was all alone. "Sorry I lied Cross but...." I said "I gotta find out more." I said unlocking the lock and taking the book and fairy wing out. "Hmmm nothing.." I said reading the book over and over. I kept stopping at the "11 friends broke the barriers around the groups." Then while I was reading a flash. * start song 2 * "GUYS I'M GONNA JUMP!!" Yelled a skeleton "DON'T HURT YOURSELF!!" Yelled a demon.

"He won't right Blood?" I asked the bird chirped "Yo * static * Where's * static *?" Asked a prince. "no idea " I said "Ok." Said the prince "HEY * STATIC *!!" I yelled "Yeah?" Asked a pirate. "You and Papillon wed yet?" I asked "Heh no." Said the pirate I petted the bird's feathers. I also sighed " Man this relaxing..." I mumbled still petting the bird. I was back in the present I didn't know I was smiling "Huh who ever they were they were close" I said.

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