Episode 11: Multi High vs Swap High!

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Above adadeca

Bottom Picture:
Top Corner Left: Eraser or Swap Ink
Top Corner Right: Alterswap or Swap Alter
Center: Marvul or Swap Dream
Bottom left: Swap Geno
Bottom corner right: Swapcop

Top Picture:
Top corner left: Reboot or Swap Error
Top corner right: Lustswap or Swap Lust
Center: Xcellence
Bottom Corner left: Reaperswap or Swap Reaper
Bottom corner right: BB! Fell

Below Missing

Below ocean breeze

Below Symbolic metal

Below master mind

Below Gravity Falls music box

Bold: Me talking or POV change
Italics: singing
Bold and italics: Thoughts
Song 1: Adadeca
Song 2: missing
Song 3: Ocean breeze
Song 4: Symbolic Metal
Song 5: Mastermind
Song 6: Gravity Falls music box

Geno's POV

     I was walking around with my friends while we were walking and talking we stopped at the gym. We peaked to see them I will admit I think I fell more in love with Reaper. "Oh one month is when Swap Prep and Multi High play the games...." said Dream "Swap Prep?" I asked "Swap Prep is the enemy school for the games." Explained Alter. "Wonder what they look like.." I said "Well I don't want to know." Said Alter.

    "Hey is where the games are practicing?" Asked a voice I turned to see NOPE,NOPE, NOPE, NOPE, NOPE,AND NOPE! "WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" I yelled/ asked. * play song 4 * "To see F. Reaper train." Said F. Geno "Wait wut?" I asked "I wanna see F. Cross train." Said F. Dream. "wut...." said Dream "I'm here to see F.Error." Said F. Ink "O.o wut...." said Ink "Plz tell meh Dust in here!!" Said Swapfell "Wut the actual heck?" Asked Blue. "Where's F. lust I want him to do me!" Said F. alter "HUH?!"yelled Alter. * stop Song 4 *

     We ran into the gym along with the fells then we all blushed THEIR SHIRTLESS!!!!! * start song 3 *"Umm what are you 10 doing?" Asked Reaper shirtless. "I think they were peeping~." Said F. Reaper shirtless me and F. Geno blushed. "Oh hey you guys." Said F. Cross  F. Dream blushed "What ya looking at Dream?" Asked Cross. "NOTHING!!!" Yelled Dream me and F. Geno were looking at F. Reaper's and Reaper's ribs. "Hey our faces are up here!" Said F. Reaper "EEEKKK!!!LUSTS PUT A SHIRT ON!!!!" Yelled the Alters.

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