Episode 7: Carnival Date?!

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Above Under the Stars

Bold: POV change
Italics: Thoughts for this chapter

Geno's POV

     I was talking to Blue on the phone when I heard a doorbell and then a yell and then a loud thud. It was just me and Fresh because Error went to do something with his friends I hear a knock at my door. I went and opened it see all my friends "Hey are we heading to this carnival?" Asked Blue who stopped the call. "BROSKI I WANNA COME WITH!!" Yelled Fresh " fine" I said sighing.


    When we got there we payed and entered Blue and Dream dragged us to a roller coaster "PLEASE!PLEASE!PLEASE!!" Yelled/begged Dream and blue. "fine let us go first you two." Said Alter " I gotta agree to that." I responded "Yeah bros let us go yo!!" Said Fresh Ink nodded his head. Dream and Blue let go of our hoods and scarfs and we all went on the roller coaster.



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As it went up...Oh boy there's gonna a lot of screaming like right about "NOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!" I screamed in complete fear. Alter was screaming too, Ink had his arms in the air yelling "I HAVING THE TIME OF MEH LIFE!!!!", Blue and Dream has their arms in the air yelling "WEEEEEE!", and Fresh was yelling words in 90's terms. "OH GOD PLEASE NO UPSIDE DOWNS!!" I screamed "DO NOT JINX IT!" Yelled Alter then came an upside down "OH LORD F*CKEN HELP MEH!" I screamed.


   "THAT WAS FUN!!!" Yelled Dream I was glitching as f*ck Alter was sighing. "Well weren't expecting to see you guys here." Said a voice oh god why "He-y Re-Re-Reaper." I Said. "Bro-Bro di-did you-you...." said Error "yea." I said "BROSPH!!" Yelled Fresh trying to hug him "DO NOT TOUCH ME!!" Yelled Error. "So how about we hang?" Asked Cross we all nodded "God I'm hot." Said Ink "Well lil bro there is a popsicle place there." Said Lust pointing to a popsicle stand. Wait what...when the f*ck did that get there.....

    We walked over I got a blueberry one, Dream and Alter got a grape one, Blue got a cherry, and Ink got an orange. While we making sure the popsicles don't melt I don't know why I felt someone was watching.

Reaper's POV

    I noticed what favor Geno got I blushed it was blue like a center I rather not like to talk about. As Geno licked the sides and the whole popsicle in his mouth. OK I LOST IT. I blushed a deep blue and ran into the nearest bathroom I guess Cross, Lust, Error, and Fell did the same thing and saw the same thing. I swear I heard Fresh say "Balls of Sinners.." I was blushing like an idiot "Lust why did you do this!" Shouted Fell. "SORRY!!" Yelled Lust blushing purple "HEY YOU GUYS GONNA COME OUTTA THERE OR NO?!" Yelled/ asked Alter.

"WE'RE COMING!!" I yelled walking out with my group "Why did you guys run in there?" Asked Dream. "Reasons" said Cross "Ok!" Said Dream "DREAM ROLLER COASTERS!!" Yelled Blue. "YEEEEE!!" Yelled Dream and Blue dragging everyone to the roller coaster

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