Episode 20: Scythe for a Life

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Above Asgore's Theme by Jenny

Above Uncharted 3: Nate's theme on RubeboyProductions

Above Under the stars by Derek Fiecher

Song 1: Asgore's Theme by Jenny
Song 2: Uncharted 3: Nate's theme on RubeboyProductions' channel
Song 3: Under the stars by Derek Fiecher

Reaper's POV

After Scythe lifted my friends and said those words he smirked and attacked me I dodged with ease. I came at him then he not only lifted my friends but...took control of them as well. He put Ink in fornt of him who had a wand sized paint brush and smirked "Heh would you attack any of them?" Asked Scythe. I stopped "No...." I said then Ink attacked me I dodge "INK STOP IT!!!!!!!!" I yelled. He didn't hear and tried to attack again "Oh come on buddy.." I said

Ink's POV

I had no control at all I kept attacking and attacking "Hey." Said I voice I turned to see someone like me. He wore a villager's shirt, villager's pants, leather boots, and a very detailed wizard cloak his pinpricks were a normal pinprick and a paint brush pinprick. He had a paint bush but it was a normal sized one and a bit longer to look like a wizard's.....wand. "Y-Your...." I said "Peindre." Said Peindre "You guys are real Error and Reaper told me...aren't you dead?" I said " yea but if you think of Error it might stop...and I'll be able to go to the afterlife" he said.

"INK D*MN IT STOP IT!! THINK ABOUT ERROR AND YOUR KIDS YOU TWO ARE PLANNING TO HAVE!" Yelled Reaper. * play song 3 * "Ruru..." I said then Remember the names Error told me Paperjam, and Gradient. Then tons of flashes of my friends and Error came running like the time we slept together and the date.

Peindre smiled and destroyed the thing controlling me as he faded into dust I was outside my mind and looking around "Huh?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" I yelled/ asked "INK GET IN THE CABIN!!!" Yelled Reaper. I nodded and hid in the cabin * stop Song 3 *

Reaper's POV

One down nine more to go. I thought Scythe growled and snapped his fingers then a blaster came at me I dodged. I turned and mentally screamed "OH COME ON!!!!"
I yelled seeing Fell with a sword "He had to get him.." I said. "FELL!!!" I yelled he rolled his pinprick I growled.

Fell's POV

"Huh?!DA F*CK?!" I said it echo since I was in my mind I looked to see me fighting Reaper. "OH HELL NO!" I yelled "hey keep the voice down..." said a voice I turned to see a skeleton in warrior amour. "Uh.......let me guess......Charlot the warrior who fell for the fairy Adliz?" I asked " Yup." Said Charlot. "If only you can get outta this spell.." said Charlot I turned to see Reaper not fighting back until....."LOOK UP!!!" He yelled. * resume song 3 * I looked up to see Blue my whole body shut down "Blue....." I mumbled and I remember the name..."Purpledge that is a good name.." I said.

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