Episode 19: He's Back

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Above Reapertale megalovania by Coran El Legendario

Above Valentine's Day by Derek & Brandon Fiechter

Above Dream's megalovania by Oka C-Fox

Above Carol of the bells by trans-Siberian orchestra on J-Jay's channel

Song 1; Reapertale megalovania by Coran El Legendario
Song 2: Valentine's Day by Derek & Brandon Fiechter
Song 3: Dream's megalovania by Oka C-Fox
Song 4: Carol of the bells by trans-Siberian orchestra on J-Jay's channel


"Reaper's been disconnected...
I'm Scythe "
I said smirk.

Scythe's POV

Everyone of his friends stood in shock
Geno was getting dragged to the brightly colored one I believe is ' Fresh'. The two different colored pinpricks 'Cross' was protectively hugging the yellow colored pinpricks I believe it's ' Dream. The heart shaped pinpricks is 'Lust' had the hooded one behind him is 'Alter' I sense that Papillon and Luxure took over them. I turned to see the one with Errors on him 'Error' who hugged the paint one 'Ink' I smirked more that Flame and Peindre took over.

    I turned my head to the black jacket one 'Fell' who had the blue one behind him 'Blue'. "Heh some group you have here." I said using my magic on all ten unlike Reaper's Magic witch is black mine is black. * play song 1 * "AAAA!" Screamed Alter, Blue, Ink, Geno, and Dream "HEY!" Yelled Fell I pulled apart Cross and Dream and Error and ink. "EEEEKKK!!" Screamed Dream and Ink Cross and Error turned to me in hatred "Now now." I said smirking I pushed Dream and Ink to the wall hitting them to the wall Cross' and Error's pinpricks shrunk.

    I did the same to Alter, Blue, and Geno Lust's and Fell's pinpricks shrunk as well Fresh just flipped me off I smirked. Then STOP SCYTHE!!!! Screamed Reaper in my head why mad that I am hurting em? I said LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!! Yelled Reaper. Heh your pain is my humor I said grrr said Reaper  I thought I turned to the now grounded Dream, Ink, Alter, Blue, and Geno. I walked to Geno I stopped he looked up to me scared "Now now...How about we.......hmmm.......let Scar out now?" I asked. "HOW ABOUT NO!" Yelled a VERY glitchy voice Strings came at me "WHAT THE" I yelled.

     "BrO yOu Ok?" Asked Error I growled strings have got me "YeAh.." said Geno glitching. "BLUE!!" Fell teleported to Blue I growled even more "Alter ya ok?" Asked Lust running to Alter. This time I growled more and loud then I tamed down as I remember a memory. * stop song 1 and play song 2 *


   "HEY LUXURE GIVE IT!!" Yelled Papillon who was chasing Luxure I laughed and turned to Scar who was in human form. I walked over to him he smiled and hugged me and clanked teeth with me. We pulled away to see Skull making sure his Wife aka Rêver doesn't fall off a plank. I turned to see Flame learning to paint with Peindre not working. Then I see Charlot and Adliz dance with the waves I smiled more than before. Hip watched from
A distance.


   I let a few tears fall Skull, Rêver, Luxure, Papillon, Charlot, Adliz, Flame, Peindre, Hip.......Scar  I'M SORRY SOO SORRY!!!! I thought. I broke free from the strings shocking everyone " I will not lose!!!" I yelled * stop Song 2 * I didn't want to do this but I brought out my scythe "LISTEN UP YOU PEOPLE." I said loudly. I raised my scythe above Geno's head only to be stopped by.....* play song 3 * "Dream?" Asked Cross "Sorry But I had take control" said this person "Rêver." I said.

    Rêver smirked "Heh I Thought I would ever see you again Scythe. "  he said "Well here I am now..." I said. Rêver sighed " Heh let's see what you got" I said he summoned two staffs ( AN: Guys I know Dream has a new outfit and weapon in this and my other books he has the new outfit but has the staff and bow and arrow mostly uses staff ).

   * stop Song 3 and play Song 1 * "Scythe! You have hurt enough people including us!" He yelled. I just smirked "Hm you really haven't change reallly fighter of dreams." I said. He charged at me I dodged I came at him who he soon enough our weapons clashed he was mad until I was in my mind. "RÊVER MAY FIGHT YOU LATER! BUT I WILL NOW!" Yelled Reaper. I smirked and came at him our scythes clashed and sparks flew. "Heheh Reaper ya think you can beat me??" I said "heh I wasn't trying." He said.

I stared in confusion until I realized he wasn't attacking but dodging and defending. My pinpricks went Little and knew what he be planning to try and separate the body. I smirked and zapped outta the battle between Me and Reaper and fought Rêver once again. "Hmm who else is here?" I asked "hmph no one else just me." Said Rêver. I smirked "heh still
Mad about......Skull?" I asked * stop Song 1 and play song 2 *. He dropped his weapons pinpricks little and he fell to his knees.

I smirked "Heh miss him soo badly Rêver?" I asked he said nothing "hmm..I'll let you see him soon" I said. Tears fell soon I was dragged into my mind again to see Reaper really really mad. "heh mad?" I asked "WHAT DO YOU THINK?!" He yelled "YOU TAKE OVER MY BODY, TOSS MY FRIENDS AGAINST TREES, AND ALMOST KILLED THEM!!!" He yelled* stop Song 2 and play song 4 * . I just laughed "My My Reaper...." I said he growled "LET'S GET THIS OVER WITH!" He yelled.


After that battle I won I was about to leave until Reaper stood up and gave me a look and then struck his scythe into the ground. I pinpricks went widen then I was outside "What-" I said I turn to see Reaper there. I realize soon that we have our own bodies "H-How...." I said he smirked "Magic." he said I growled I smirk "well it is gonna be easier to best you now..." I said eye flashing lifting all his friends souls I sensed Rêver is gone. Reaper growled I just smirked


" the"




I said * stop Song 4 *

Reaper: GRRRR SCYTHE!!!!!!

Me: Hehe me and Reaper here

Reaper: YOU DID THIS!!!

Me; Lol ok. Next time on Them Boys!!



Reaper: Plus it went well at the end.

Me: yea...SOOOO ENJOY IT!!!

Reaper: Ok. What will happen next?


Me: These boys

Reaper: Can be trouble.


Reaper: Buh bye guys.

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