Episode 13: Hidden Abilities

886 23 14

Above He's a pirate

Above suspense music

Above anime romance music

Above Dance of the fairies

Above mystic messager

Above Benny hill theme

Bold: Me talking, the end, and POV change

Italics: Thoughts
Bold: POV change and me talking
Song 1: He's a pirate
Song 2: suspense music
Song 3: anime romance music
Song 4: dance of the fairies.
Song 5: Mystic Messager
Song 6: Benny hill theme

Reaper's POV

   ~ Few weeks later ~

     Everything has gone to normal me and my friends flirt with Geno and his friends of course we get hit, chased, slapped, or scared away. I'm hiding from Geno's snakes of course they find me I run "I'M SORRY GENO!!!!" I yelled running past him. "stop bois." He said they stopped I smirked and went up to him "Geno~ You + me + bed - clothes = S**." I flirted. "SICK-" I covered his teeth "Yeah not happening~" I said.

    I closed my sockets and Leaned in Geno did the same our teeth were so close until....."REAPER!!!" Yelled Cross. D*mn It Cross you romance stopper....would you like if I got between you and Dream. I sighed I turned away from the blushing Geno and walked to Cross. "I was this close to kissing Geno!" I said making a my fingers form a little space.

     "One day Reaper.." said Cross "I Know" I said thinking about Geno then a flash * play song 3 * "SCYTHE!!!" Yelled a voice I turned. To see a prince "Oh hey Scar." I said smiling "SCYTHE!!HERE!!" He yelled giving me a shell. I blushed "T-thanks Scar.." I said he smiled I smiled back. * stop Song 3 * I was back in the future I sighed.


      * play song 5 *After dinner I went to my room I read a bit more about A Reaper's Tale I sighed "Still nothing..." I mumbled. I used my magic to pick the fairy wing up "Who is this Papillon and Scythe and everyone else" I asked myself. * stop Song 5 play song 2 * I turned to see a tape recorder I pinpricks widen "When did this get here?" I asked myself. I picked it up my theory is that it was was used three days ago judging by the recorder and it's form.

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