Episode 23: An Enjoyful Ending

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1-Hour Anime music Mix- most peaceful and happy music on The Soul of The Wind's Channel play this the entire episode. Now if you guys don't remember In here and my other books I picture The palettes as cream ( Crosses x Dreams) children. So I know
Palettes are the drinks ( Inks x Dreams) children so yea I just picture them as the creams in my books. Oh and stay till the end Bc their is news at the end. Oh don't worry the Palettes have the same personality and looks.


Reaper's POV

    Me and Geno got married and lived in a house in Multi Town and had one kid named Goth. "REAPER!!!" Yelled Geno "DADDY!!!!" Yelled Goth I entered on Geno outside and Goth staring at someone. I went outside "Yea?" I asked Geno pointed to a house the next store neighbors I looked at him. Until Cross exited with two boys and Dream "CROSS!!!" I yelled Cross and Dream turned to us. "Reaper!!!!how ya bestie?" Asked Cross "nothing. Much just had a kid with Geno." I said.

   "I used to have three but I have two." He said "HEYA I'M PALETTE!!!!" Yelled a kid with a white hat. "Palette calm it!" Said A kid with a scarf "Wondering who those two are?" Asked Cross. "Yup" I answers " the white hat is my eldest he has a lot of Dream and a bit of me his name is Palette Roller or Palette for short. The one with the blue & Red scarf is named Fear he has me and Dream very well." Said Cross. "FEAR!!" He shouted Fear ran over to us but tripped on his scarf ( Bc it's too big on him ) "AAAAAA MY BABY!!!" Yelled Dream Geno was shocked and I was holding in my laughter one he's about 2 and his scarf is big on him.

    Fear stood up and " I'M FINE MOMMY!!" He yelled "YOU SURE BRO!!" Yelled Palette Fear sweat dropped "Yes!" He shouted. He soon walked over to cross "Kiddo ya sure your ok?" Asked Cross he nodded Cross picked him up I realize that his left pinprick is yellow and his right is red. "Oh my..does he have C.Chara?" I asked Cross nodded "But he seems to get along with him I hope." He said I laughed.


Reaper's POV

      I smiled as Palette and Goth ran around Fear took off his scarf and followed them. Me and Cross were talking  as Geno and Dream talked as well soon we checked on the kids. We see faces of people we know.

Fell's POV

     Me, Blue, And Purpledge walked around with Lust, Alter, Error, and Ink and their kids Turquoise, Paperjam, and Gradient. We walked until we see three kids playing one looking like Geno and Reaper and two like Dream and Cross. "Heya you guys!!!" Said a voice we all turned to see Geno and Dream "GENO! DREAM!" Yelled Alter, Blue and Ink. "Wow you guys still together?" Asked a voice we turned to see Reaper and Cross we laughed. "purple! Go play with them!" Said Blue Purpledge walked to them and began to play "The hooded one is mine and Geno's" said Reaper.

    "Name?" Asked Lust motioning Turquoise to play witch he did "Goth." Said Reaper "the hat and Scarfed our mine and Dream's " said Cross. "nAmEs?" Asked Error motioning Paperjam and Gradient to go and play they did "The hat is the oldest name is Palette Roller or Palette. The scarfed is younger his name Is Fear." Said Cross. "MiNe ArE tHe BlAcK oNeS. NaMeS aRe ThE oNe WiTh InK fLoAtInG aRoUnD PaPeRjAm AnD tHe WeIrD pInPrIcKs Is GrAdIeNt." Said Error. "heh mine is the eyepatch with Alter's symbol on it with a heart replacing the dot. His name is Turquoise" said Lust "Mine the one with a purple scarf her name is Purpledge. " I said " you have a daughter? " asked Reaper I nodded.

Fear's POV

I played with Purpledge and Turquoise while Pally ( Little fear calls palette pally ) played with Goth, Gradient, and Pj. While me, Purpledge, and Turquoise were playing we see a group of
People walk over and talk to our parents. We all turned to see skeletons look like us and our parents I walked to the one with spikes on his scarf "Hello?" I asked he turned. He looked like me he too had a left yellow pinprick and a right pinprick red! "Hi!" I said "h-hi" he said "I'm Fear!" I said he smiled "Pain." He said I smiled "So you have a bro?" I asked "Yea he's there!" He said pointing to a different Pally and Gothy. "Ooo Wanna play?" I asked he nodded. " oh who are your parents?" I asked "Crossfell and F. Dream" he answered "mine are Cross and Dream! Ya must be my Fell!"I said he smiled and we played

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