Episode 6: Club Night

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Pictures of club was found by KitKat_The_Chicken thank you!

Above Evacuate The Dance by Cascada

Above Lights by Ellie Grounding

Above Burn by Ellie Grounding

Above Safe and sound by capital cities

Above Glad you came by The wanted

Above Club Music

Italics : Sing
Italic and bold: Thoughts and verse singer
Bold: Me talking, end credits, and POV change
Normal: Writing.

1st song: Evacuate the Dance Floor
2nd Song: Lights by Ellie Grounding
3rd song: Burn by Ellie Grounding
4th Song:safe and sound by Capital Cities
5th Song: Glad you Came by The Wanted
6th song: Club Music

Reaper's POV

    I was in the school library looking for more information about this Reaper's tale I wondered. I was searching up Reapers, princes, fairies, wizards, warriors, and pirate nothing of a Reaper's Tale. "hmmm I wonder..." I said "What if I search up...Medieval Tales." I said I typed it up and nothing appeared. I growled angrily "GOD F*CKEN D*MN IT!" I yelled ok calm. I thought " I don't need to set a house or tree on fire " I said. My eye sockets widen what if....what if...I typed up "A Reaper's Burning " I smirked on the screen said "A Reaper's Tale" I clicked on the link. And I read it my sockets widened.

      "THIS EXACTLY WHAT I SANG!" I yelled the Librarian and Science Sans looked at me like WTF boi. I sweatdropped. Maybe I should go to the Library


Reaper's POV

    I almost walked out the door "HEY REAPER WHERE YA GOING?!" Yelled/asked Cross "Oh to the Library.." I said. "Did you forget our plans??" He asked "We had plans?" I asked "Yeah going to Club M." Said Cross. "OHHH! Now I remember!" I said "COME ON!!" Yelled Cross dragging me to the Club.

Geno's POV

    "Error do we have to go?!" I asked "Ye-s C-ome on." He said I rolled my eyes and Fresh was yelling party. "fine." I said Walking to the club.  When we got there it was busting with music * play 6th song *  "OK HAVE YOU GUYS!" Yelled Error heading to his friends. "GENO!!" Yelled a familiar voice "ALTER!" I yelled "how's it going?" He asked "Fine why are you here?" Asked Alter. "Error.." I said "Well then Dream and Blue and Ink are here come on!" He shouted pulling me to our friends.

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