*Chapter 34*

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Mia's POV

I woke up to my alarm this morning, allowing me ample time to get ready. I must say that I have been feeling extremely happy lately, and I think you can guess why that is.

The whole time I was readying myself for school, I had a huge smile on my face. Soon enough, I heard a car pull into the driveway so I headed outside to meet Angie.

Only it wasn't Angie outside, it was Brendon.

"You're here a bit early aren't you?" I asked with my attempt at a smirk.

"Maybe my punctuality was intentional" he replied, doing a much better smirk than me.

"And why would that be?" I asked, taking a step towards him.

"So I can do this" he said, before lifting a hand to my chin and pulling me into a gentle kiss.

We stayed there, lips locked until we heard a car pull up behind us.

"No PDA!" Angie called out her rolled down window.

"Haha shut up" I said turning towards Angie. I gave Brendon a quick kiss on the cheek before getting to Angie's car. As Angie reversed, Brendon waved before making his way into my house.

"So this kissing thing seems to be a frequent occurrence now" Angie commented, smirking slightly herself.

"I guess so" I said, turning away to hide my enormous, cheesy grin and blush spreading across my cheeks.

"So how was the date? Tell me everything!"

"Well Brendon drove us to a fancy Italian place, valet service and everything. Then we ate, had a glass of champagne and before we came home he took me to rooftop to admire Vegas."

"Awwww" Angie cooed, "He's so sweet! Who would have thought!"


Maths rolled around once again and Mr Allen had an announcement;

"Alright class, I have in front of me your graded tests from yesterday, and I must say that some of you did extremely poorly. Those of you who did not achieve a passing mark will have to do a resit this lesson, but will only receive the passing grade. I will now pass out your tests." Mr Allen concluded.

I looked behind me to Brendon, to see him nervously rolling a small piece of paper between his fingers.

"It's ok B, you would have done well, I know it" I said with a warm smile.

"Thanks" Brendon said, returning my smile, "Wait, did you call me B?"

"Uh yeah, it's a nickname, I just-never mind" I stumbled over my words.

"I like it, it's cute, just like you."

Just then, Mr Allen approached my desk and handed me a paper. I turned it over to see a giant 'A' and the number '95' on the front.

"Good job Miss Moore, top of the class." He said with a smile.

"Thank-you sir" I responded with a smile.

I looked down at my paper, trying to not seem like I was snooping on Mr Allen's remark to Brendon, even though I definitely was.

"Well done Mr Urie, I am very impressed! Keep up the good work." Mr Allen said from behind me.

Once he had moved further away, I turned back around to Brendon.

"How did you go?" I asked him, somewhat nervously.

"I got an A-! 80%" he said happily.

"Well done B!"

"It's all thanks to you" he said, causing me to blush once more.

"You put in the effort, you deserve the good grade!"

Mr Allen then returned to the front of the classroom and began to speak once more.

"If you received a score of 49 or below, please stay behind to complete your makeup test, as for the rest of you, you have a free, good morning."

I packed up my stuff and made my way out of the classroom, noticing on my way out that Katrina was staying behind. Serves her right!

"Hey Brendon" she called out. I stopped just outside the doorway to wait for Brendon and listen in to their encounter.

"You still coming to my party tonight?" her shrill voice asked.

Oh yeah, the party, that I wasn't invited to.

"Yeah I'm coming" Brendon responded, making me slightly sad, and even more determined to find a way to get into that party.

"That's good, you'd need a break from all that time you were forced to spend with that nerd."

That hurt. Then a flood of thoughts entered my head, was he just using me? Did he even like me?

I pushed those thoughts aside when Brendon responded;

"You mean Mia? She's great, nothing wrong with being smart, and nerd doesn't have to have a negative connotation to it, and even so, Mia isn't a nerd."

This made my heart flutter. He defended me. Although I was extremely grateful, I had the feeling that Katrina wouldn't let this go.

Brendon then walked out of the classroom.

"Why are you so happy?" he asked, returning my smile.

"You defended me" I simply stated.

"Of course I did! I stand up for the people I care about."

I looked down at my feet, unable to speak after such a nice comment.

"So where are we going?" Brendon asked.

"Who says I'm going anywhere with you?" I asked cheekily.

"Ouch" Brendon said, holding a hand over his chest, feigning offence.

I pumped shoulder with him, saying "I'm just kidding, how about the library?"

"So we can re-create last times events?" he said with a cocky grin.

"If you mean study, then yes."

"Is study code for something?"



I shoved his shoulder once more, dragging him along towards the library.

Is This Taboo? - Brendon Urie FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now