*Chapter 57*

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Brendon's POV

Once Kara had left, the girls went back upstairs whilst Jaron and I stayed downstairs in the lounge. We were playing a multiplayer video-game and whilst it wasn't my turn, I was texting 'Sarah'.

We were continuing our activities from this-morning via text, and I must admit that it was rather distracting.

"You're up dude," Jaron said, attempting to hand me the controller.

I didn't respond, too engrossed in my texting.

"Brendon?" he asked, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Mhmm?" I responded, not taking my eyes away from my phone.

This the resulted in Jaron leaning forward unexpectedly and snatching the phone off me.

"What the fuck dude?! Give that back!" I exclaimed, reaching for my cellular device that was now in Jaron's possession.

He jumped up from the couch, so I followed, trying my hardest to get my phone back.

"Catch me if you can!" Jaron sang in a childish voice.

"You're going to wish you never did that, you son of a bitch!" I said, chasing after him.

After a few rounds of chasey around the kitchen, I stubbed my toe into the corner of the kitchen island.

"Mother fucking god of ever-loving fuck!" I exclaimed, hopping around on my uninjured foot, cradling my sore one in my arms.

Jaron buckled over laughing, whilst Mia and Angela descended the stairs.

"What the hell is going on out here!" they both laughed, looking at our current situation.

"I-, then he-, and now-" Jaron said between outbursts of laughter.

"He took my phone," I said, planting both feet on the ground.

Angela laughed, "What's the big deal with that?" she asked.

She looked towards Mia, noticing her paling complexion, and my worried one.

'Oh' she silently mouthed, not sure what to do. We exchanged glances until Jaron started to speak up;

"Dude! You need to tell me who this Sarah girl is, because these texts are steamy!" he exclaimed, scrolling through the messages.

Messages were fine, we were careful to not say anything specific to give ourselves away at circumstances like these, but photos on the other hand...

"That's enough man," I said frantically, successfully snatching the phone from his grasp.

"Is this the same Sarah that you said you wanted to fuck last night?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Mia blush and Angela just listening intently.

"I-uh guess," I fumbled, running my fingers through my hair.

"Was Sarah the girl that you slept with after your date with Celia?" he asked again, his curiosity apparently growing.

I nodded, keeping my face low.

"Was she at the party last night?"

I nodded again, having already told so many lies, it felt good to tell the truth, well sort of.

"Have I met here before?"

"I mean yeah I think so...."

"Is she good in bed?"

Is This Taboo? - Brendon Urie FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now