Alive And Kicking

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(Near Marcel's Loft In An Ally-way)

Aria's POV.

Me and Marcel stand in a eighborhood ally near his Loft as the streets are packed with musicians playing instruments, while others sell merchandise in stalls and Marcel talks to a group of potential vampire recruits. I then look over to Gia and smile at her at her as she plays the bongo drums, and she smiles back.

"Gia's proven herself." Marcel starts to speak to the few vampire wanabies, and I stand next to him with my sunglasses on encase my vampire face shows due to the crowds of people walking by "She knows what she's getting into. So, she's going to be the first one that I turn. Everybody else? First, I need to be sure that you can handle moving up a notch on the food chain. The emotional ups and downs, the solitude, and bloodlust. Imagine hearing the sound of a heart beating, beating, beating, and wanting more than anything to feed. That's what it's like to be a vampire. It's not for everybody. Some folks, well... Let's just say it brings out the worst in them." He says to everyone, and he glances me down a small smile as everyone scatters "You doing alright, there's a lot of people?" He asks me.

"Yeah, I just need..." I trail off as Elijah approaches us with a cup of coffee in hand, and extends the same hand towards me.

"Caramel Macchiato's with extra caffeine?" Elijah asks me, and I smile gratefully, but how did he know my order?

"Thank you." I tell him as I retrieve the cup of coffee, and he lightly grazes his fingers against mine as I take it, and so many memories from when I first came back to this city flood through me.

"Elijah. Didn't expect to see you on this side of the river." Marcel interrupts mine and Elijah's staring, and Marcel takes a small step nearer to me.

"Didn't expect to see you assembling a new vampire community. I guess we're both full of surprises?" Elijah states before glancing at me again.

"My community was fine until Klaus had the brilliant idea to make moonlight rings. Now that Harvest girl's making more, offering them to the wolves in exchange for their allegiance. And the wolves are just kneeling at her feet. The Quarter's become a dangerous place, and you? You're the last true vampire left! You ask me, you're better off joining my community! Maybe that's why you're here?" Marcel asks Elijah as I take a sip of the coffee, and I let the caffeine take effect. I the lift my sunglasses and place them on my head as I don't feel that bloodthirstily anymore.

"Hmm, no. I came to make you an offer: find me the white oak stake, and I'll let this little social experiment continue." Elijah smiles fakely.

"Aw, even if I wanted to help, I don't have a clue where the stake is. And Aria has already tried, she would have to have another witch to help her." Marcel smiles fakely back.

"Yes, but you do have an ally in Davina. She can find it. Thing is, I'd speak to her myself, but I feel the conversation might become a little... Unpleasant." Elijah states, and Marcels Smile falls as furrow my eyebrows, no wanting Davina to get hurt.

"You don't go anywhere near her." Marcel tells Elijah in a serious attitude, and I grip Marcel's arm pulling him back.

"I'll text her to meet me and Marcel, only me and Marcel. If she doesn't know anything, she doesn't know anything. And if she doesn't want to help, she doesn't need to." I tell Elijah, and I turn to walk away but I stop when I notice more human pulses, so I put my sunglasses over my eyes and turn to Marcel.

"I'm coming." Marcel tells me before I can speak, and I smile slightly at him as he walks over to me, and I feel Elijah's eyes on my as we walk away.

Third POV.

As Aria calls Davina in Marcel's Loft asking her to meet herself and Marcel at the loft, Marcel walks over to Elijah who is watching two older gentlemen playing chess outside on the side of a street.

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