Brotherhood Of The Damned

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(The Mikaelson Safe House- Arkansas)

Aria's POV.

As I finish injecting myself with my every three-hour daily routine of vervain in the kitchen, I begin to get weaker by the day which also due to lack of blood, and the blood that I am having is thirty percent animal blood mixed with seventy percent vervain in a 250ml glass every two days. I've also beginning too look paler than usual, so I have to where jackets and put darker powder make-up on my skin. But the thing I am still confused about, is how am I not tempted to drink Cami's human blood.

I then suddenly hear a large thud from in the living area where Elijah and Cami are having a mind-repair session. I quickly run into the room to see Elijah passed out on the ground with Cami hovering over him in panic.

I then get images flashing through my mind of a dark lit room with animal heads styled on support beams, and in the room there is Elijah, Klaus, Kol and Finn. Is Finn doing this?

"Cami..." I tell her as I reopen my eyes and hold my temples with my fingers "... I think Finn is doing this." I tell her as she looks up at me as the baby starts to cry from upstairs.

"I'll get the baby, you call Klaus or something." Cami tells me before rushing upstairs, and I pull out my phone and begin to call Klaus.

"Aria?" I hear Davina's voice come through the phone.

"Davina? Why are you answering Klaus' phone?" I ask her confused as Cami comes back downstairs and stands in the living area with the baby in her arms, so I step a few feet away into the passage way.

"Because I can't wake him up." Davina tells me. So it's happening to all of them.

"Klaus is unconscious too, Davina is with him." I tell Cami before speaking to Davina "Elijah collapsed, too. I'm not quite sure what's happening." I tell her as I don't think I've seen a spell like this before.

"Ugh, I'm an idiot! The spell Finn used wasn't to keep me from finding him, it was to trap his brothers... Meaning Kol's in trouble." Davina slowly adds.

"Your working with Klaus? I told him to keep you safe and out of this." I say a little angry with Davina.

"Even though it sounds like his fault, it's not. Kol is trapped with Marcel and his hungry vampires in the compound because of Finn's spell, so I was trying to help find him." Davina explains to me.

"... It's fine." I slowly sigh before realising that I've seen the spell Finn used on him and his brothers in one of my grimoir's "Oh my god, Finn mixed a privacy boundary spell with a linking spell. He's binded them with animal totems, which means the only thing we can do is wait for the totems dark magic to wear off." I explain to her.

"So we just wait?" Davina asks me.

"It's all we can do." I tell her sadly.

About an hour later, Elijah finally wakes up as Cami sits next to him from waiting, as the baby is upstairs, and I stand a few feet away from her and Elijah.

"Thank God! Are you okay?" Cami stands up immediately, and I furrow my eyebrows at a calm Elijah.

"For now." Elijah sighs.

Near the night, me and Elijah are in the dinning room on the phone to Klaus as Elijah is in eyesight of Cami who is playing the baby in her arms on the couch in the living area.

"How is my daughter?" Klaus asks us.

"She's in good hands. As am I. However, if you say the word, I shall return." Elijah smiles towards Cami and the baby.

"No, you're needed where you are." Klaus tells his brother.

"Don't pair up with my sister, Klaus. It wasn't part of the deal." I tell him.

"Your sister partnered up with me, Love. Not the other way around." Klaus tells me, and I can literally imagine the smirk on his face.

"Actually, whist you were all having a brothers to brothers moment, Davina explained to me how when the barrier spell Finn put up was removed for sixty seconds, you wouldn't let Kol out of the compound where he would be stuck with Marcel and his bloodthirsty vampires. Meaning she had no choice but to work with you. Next time, leave my sister out of it so she doesn't come to any harm, because you have someone here who you love dearly, and quite frankly I don't care weather that baby lives or dies." I tell him, and he stays silent "Is the city safe?" I ask him as I change the subject.

"Well, I wouldn't exactly go flinging around terms like "safe." Marcel and all his vampires have inexplicably disappeared. Kol is in the wind with Davina, Rebekah is still lost, and Finn is dangerously suspicious of the secrets we keep. Speaking of which... I meant what I said. I am capable of forgiveness." Klaus says, and I'm guessing he's talking to Elijah about the last bit when they where linked in the privacy-boundary spell "We need to remain focused on our common enemies. I'll be in touch." Klaus says before he hangs up. I just hope she's safe.

[Aria's Outfit For Chapter]--->

[Aria's Outfit For Chapter]--->

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