When The Levee Breaks

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(The Lafayette Cemetery-Under The Claire Family Tomb)

Aria's POV.

As me, Davina and Josh are sitting in under The Claire Family tomb where me and Davina have been trying to bring back Kol, Aiden has just arrived and is informing us about his encounter with Klaus.

"Klaus doesn't suspect a thing!" Aiden assures us.

"Oh! Right! Yes, I'm sure that Klaus "Colour Me Paranoid" Mikaelson totally fell for your whole, "I came across the river for Hope's bunny" ruse!" Josh freaks out, but Aiden just turns to me and holds up the pair of dark-object shackles for me to take.

"Look, these manacles are spelled to neutralize witch power, right? So, Davina and Aria, if you could transfer the magic from these onto something smaller? Just think about it, if the baby can't give off magic, then Dahlia won't be able to track her!" Aiden says as I look at the shackles in my hands, but pass them to Davina as I feel uncomfortable with the whole situation.

"We can try, but what difference does it make? I thought the baby was already safe?" Davina asks him confused.

"Hayley and Jackson are getting ready to run." Aiden confesses, and I raise my eyebrows in shock.

"Wow. Good for them. If Kol had asked me to run before he got hexed? Well, he wouldn't have had to ask me twice." Davina laughs bitterly, and I place my hand on her shoulder sympathetically.

"And when we get Kol back, you will. Far, far away from New Orleans." I promise her, and she smiles up at me. I then turn to Aiden as Davina takes off a silver bracelet and places it with the shackles on a table.

"Let's say we do this, aren't we forgetting one really important thing? If Klaus finds out what you did-" Davina tries to say worryingly, but Aiden cuts her off.

"-Let me worry about that." Aiden assures her.

After Josh and Aiden leave, me and Davina continue to look through some grimoir's to try and find a spell to bring back Kol, but when I look over at Davina I see her staring down at a large diamond that I'm guessing Kol gave her. Just then I hear a someone entering the tomb, and Davina looks up at me, probably hearing it too. I then put my finger to my lips, indicating for her to be quiet as I stand in front of her, reading for whom the intruder is. However, when we see it's Marcel, we both relax.

"Whoa, hold it! It's just me, alright? I come in peace." Marcel says, and I step away from Davina and she begins to continue her researching.

"You should know better than to sneak up on witches." Davina tells him with her back turned.

"I wasn't sneaking, just... Haven't talked to you in a while." Marcel walks towards her.

"What do you want, Marcel?" Davina turns to face him.

"Look, I know you've been going through a hard time, holed up in here ever since Kol died, trying to bring him back..." Marcel trails off.

"What do you care? You hated him anyway." Davina states, and I walk over to her and place my hand on her arm.

"He didn't hate him, he just..." I trail off trying to fid the words.

"... I just didn't much like him." Marcel finishes for me "And, to be honest, I didn't really like him for you, you know? I can be a little protective." He adds.

"Yeah, understatement of the year." Davina laughs weakly before she starts wandering around the tomb as she looks through spell ingredients "You know, even though I appreciate you saving me from Eva, you never once bothered to ask me how I felt after Kol died, Aria was with me through most of it." She says to him as her voice becomes thick with emotion "And even after all the crazy things I've been through, that was the worst. That's when I needed you most." She tells him honestly, and Marcel sighs and walks toward her until they're face-to-face.

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