Save My Soul

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(Elijah's Loft)

Aria's POV.

As me and Marcel walk into Elijah's Loft which is next door to Marcel's, we see Vincent, who was recently being possessed by Finn who is god knows where now, and he is sitting on a bed and leaning his elbows against his knees and rubbing the bridge of his nose with his thumbs as though he has a headache.

"Morning! How you feelin'?" I ask Vincent as I hold a newspaper.

"Nauseous. Can't concentrate." Vincent groans before he sighs and looks up at me strangely as we haven't formally met yet.

"Arianna Claire, Aria for short. I'm a friend of Marcel's." I introduce myself with a smile, and he gives me a small smile back.

"So, I can't really do any magic. But, I suppose that was the point..." Vincent trails off as he picks up some crumbs off his plate which I had placed a herb in "... Seeing as I can smell the lobilia flower you've been putting in my food, man." He says to us.

"Can't be too careful with witches, hmm?" Marcel smiles, then glances at me. So I roll my eyes and give him a light shove.

"Hmm. That something you learned from experience, Marcel Gerard? Back when you controlled the Quarter witches with all your rules, and, uh..." Vincent trails off as he clicks his tongue and mimes as though he's slitting his throat with his finger in which I end up stifling a giggle "Public executions?" He finishes as a question.

"You know who I am." Marcel laughs then he puts a chair in front of Vincent's bed and sits down in it, and I sit on one of his laps comfortably "That's good, 'cause we got some questions that need answers, and you seem to know what happens to people who don't give me what I want." He explains.

"Mmm. I know you ain't the king around here no more. And I know you can't keep me here! I'm from the Tremé, Marcel. Witches from there, *whew*, they're a little bit of a harder breed than what it is you're used to. Yeah, they're gonna want me back." Vincent says amused.

"Actually, they already do what you back. Yeah, a matter of fact..." I trail off as I throw the newspaper I was holding on the bed in front of him "... They've wanted you back for nine months." I tell him, and Vincent's eyes grow wide in shock as he looks at the newspaper.

"Yeah, check the date!" Marcel tells him, and Vincent picks up the newspaper to examine it.

"You might notice a little time gap." I say to him.

"Man, what'd you two do to me?" Vincent asks us appalled and horrified.

"Oh, us? We can't make nine months vanish. No, your beef is with a guy named Finn. See, he took possession of your body. Got into all kinds of trouble, too. Made some nasty enemies, I might add." Marcel explains.

"Whoa." Vincent says overwhelmed before he holds up his hands, clearly struggling to believe what he's hearing, and keeps glancing from the newspaper to me and Marcel, and back anxiously while he processes this revelation.

"Look, we'll tell you all about it, but first, you gotta tell us about a Tremé witch that you might know. Eva Sinclair." I explain to him, and Vincent quickly turns his head to look at me and Marcel and just shakes his head in expiration.

"Sore subject?" Marcel asks him suspiciously.

"Mmhmm." Vincent smiles patronisingly "I'm done talking." He tells us, and I look directly at Marcel frustrated in what we're going to need to do, and he sighs nodding.

(Skip to Marcel's Loft)

"Cami, if you don't want to do this..." I trail off as she downs a glass of bourbon since me and Marcel have just discussed the Vincent situation with her.

"Of course I don't want to do this! The guy practically tried to kill me." Cami says as she pours another glass of bourbon.

"Well, not this guy. Vincent Griffith is just another victim." Marcel explains to her.

"Yes, but as of yesterday, he was Finn. Finn, who lied to me, who used me, who tried to erase me from my own body. And now, we're just going to hang out. I mean, it's fine, I'll do it. I just... Need a drink first." Cami tells us as she takes a big gulp of the second glass of bourbon she poured for herself.

"Bring him in!" I say loud enough so the vampires outside can here me.

Just then two vampire guards bring Vincent inside, who jerks out of their grip and looks at me and Marcel in aggravation. Cami then frowns before greeting him.

"What is this, Marcel and Aria? You dragging me from one dump to another without telling me what's going on, man?" Vincent asks us annoyed.

""Dump?" Ouch. And I thought changing the venue might brighten your mood! Maybe it's me? So, how about we give you a chance to talk to our friend here." Marcel explains as he points at Cami, who is standing with her arms crossed a couple feet away from us.

"You be nice, a'ight? Or I won't." I threaten Vincent before turning to Cami "We'll be right outside." I assure her before me, Marcel and the vampires guards walk out of the loft.

After Cami finished talking to Vincent, she left me and Marcel to sit with a now calm Vincent as we await on Elijah and Rebekah who have just been 'chatting' with Klaus and their new found witch sister who was thought to be dead a thousand years ago, but was taken by their mothers sister, Dahlia, who promised by their mother to be given the first born of every Mikaelson and use their power to live 'forever'. And now Dahlia is presumably coming to take Klaus and Hayley's child, but I say good riddance and hope that child dies in the process.

Just as I finish pouring and giving Vincent a glass of whisky, Elijah and Rebekah walk into the Loft.

"We filled the guy in, but he's still a little freaked out about all of this." Marcel explains to them as I stand beside Vincent who downs the glass of whisky.

"Good. That makes us a perfect pair." Rebekah says, and Vincent looks up at Rebekah stunned.

"Right. Well, I can tell by your face that you knew the previous occupant of this body." Rebekah smiles at Vincent before continuing "Rest assured, you're now speaking to Rebekah Mikaelson. So, who are you? I mean, now that you're not my brother Finn?" She asks him.

"Vincent Griffith. I would say "at your service," but that implies I had a choice in the matter." Vincent says the first bit surprised.

Rebekah then looks over at Elijah and grins, obviously liking Vincent a lot more than her original brother who was in control of his body.

"Oh! He's witty. Wonderful. Now, I hear you have some information for me." Rebekah says pleased.

"Just... Give me a second." Vincent says to her overwhelmed before I look at him confused as he stares at Rebekah as he walks closer to her, and after a moment, he laughs softly "When they put Eva in the Fauline Cottage, I never thought I'd see her again." He admits.

"How exactly is it that you knew Ms. Sinclair?" Elijah asks Vincent as confused as the rest of us.

"She was my wife." Vincent stares at Rebekah in shock.

"Well... That is bloody fantastic, isn't it?" Rebekah says surprised.

[Aria's Outfit For Chapter]--->

[Aria's Outfit For Chapter]--->

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