Chasing The Devil's Tail

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(The Mikaelson Compound)

Aria's POV.

I came round to the Mikaelson Compound early this morning to check Elijah was okay, but once I got there I found Klaus hovering over Elijah as he lays on his bed just is a white shirt and his suit pants breathing erratically, covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and his muscles are tense, as though he's being overwhelmed by fear as he sleeps.

Klaus had also already tried to look into his mind to awaken him, but Elijah isn't letting him. So I'm going to try a blood spell to bind me, Elijah and Klaus so we can enter his mind. As I sit cross-legged on Elijah's right on the bed, and Klaus sits on a chair on Elijah's left.

"I know you are locked in battle, however deep in your mind our mother has set the stage. Hear my voice." Klaus talks to Elijah, and I focus on grinding the herbs I have.

I then take a knife and cut my hand so some of my blood pours into the bowl until it heals. I then take Klaus' hand, and cut his like mine then hover it over the bowl so it bleeds until it stops. I then mix the blood together with the herbs.

"Our mother thinks she will win because she has left you alone, but you are not alone. Let me in." Klaus says to Elijah as I use my index finger to pick up some of the potion I have mixed together, and make a straight line down Elijah's forehead.

"Give me your hand." I tell Klaus, and he places the hand I cut his palm with on the hand I did with my mine "Then take his hand." I tell Klaus, and he does so as I place my hand over Elijah's head "Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Viras, Purgal Animum Sous Obscarus... Phasmatos Repallus Tantian, Maltuscanum Anium Par Vas... Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Viras, Purgal Animum Sous Obscarus... Phasmatos Repallus Tantian, Maltuscanum Anium Par Vas." I begin to chant.

"Let me help end whatever torment she has forced upon you." I hear Klaus' voice before I'm literally flown across the room and I blackout due to what I think was the impact of me hitting the wall.

(Skip to the inside Elijah's mind)

I slowly open my eyes to see a hallway to a red door, the one from before when I was being channelled by Esther. So I slowly walk over to the door like before and run my fingers over it before pulling them away, to see it's just the same, it's painted with blood.

"Again?.." I trail off as I hear footsteps behind me, so I quickly turn around to see Elijah with longer hair and in very olden day clothes like before "Elijah, It's Aria remember..." I trail off and stop walking towards him as he bares his fangs and his vampire face shows "Elijah, don't. Please." I beg him a bit scared and begin to walk backwards, but he walks forwards like before "Elijah- Aahhh!!!" I end up screaming as he vamp speeds towards me and bites into my neck.

(Skip to The Mikaelson Compound)

I suddenly gasp awake and see Klaus hovering over me with concern with a drip of blood running from his nose, then Hayley comes rushing in confused.

"What are you doing?" Hayley asks us confused, and I feel a warm trickle on my upper lip, so I quickly wipe it away knowing it's blood.

"We're trying to enter Elijah's thoughts to wake him." Klaus explains to her as he helps me stand up, and I look to see Elijah now sleeping peacefully.

"Esther's locked me out, but I saw the same thing before when I past out due to her channelling me with the red door. But the good thing is that I saw deep enough that he's going to be okay." I assure them.

"Is this rash a side effect of the witchy acid trip he's on?" Hayley asks us as she looks at Elijah's neck, and we both go over to have a look.

"That's the petal of a Merlock Orchid." I tell them as I recognise it.

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