The Map Of Moment's

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(The Mikaelson Safe House-Arkansas)

Aria's POV.

After Klaus said he was taking me and Cami to a safe house in Arkansas where I could get far enough to weaken my magic from his mother and Finn so they can't do what ever ritual they have planning, he told me he wanted to take me first to check if the safe house is secure so I said my goodbyes to Davina, Marcel and Josh before we left.

As we begin to pull up to a house with Klaus driving, Hayley in the passenger seat and me in the backseat with my suitcase and duffle bag, Hayley and Klaus immediately run out. I slowly step out of the car to see what all of the fuss is about, and see the last thing I ever wanted to see in my life ever again, their child.

"Hi!" Hayley says to the baby as she takes it from Elijah's arms as Rebekah stands next to him.

I then without any hesitation run with vamp speed, and just keep running away as tears begin streaming down my face. But I then get stopped when I get tackled, and I end up rolling on the floor before standing up, and I look behind me in the forest to see Elijah was the one who tackled me. I then go to run away again, but he vamp speeds in front of me, stopping me.

"Let me go." I tell him as I wipe away my tears with the back of my hand.

"I'm sorry Klaus compelled you of this-" He tries to say, but I cut him.

"-I had vervain in my bracelet that night." I cut him off, and he looks at me confused.

"Why would you lie?" He asks me confused.

"Because even if he did successfully compel me, I would never be able to forgive him, Rebekah, Hayley or even you for that matter for making me forget about the worst day of my forever life. And If I had to find out this way and this soon without knowing about that child, god praise your soul." I spit at the last bit at him in anger.

"You didn't need to lie about it, any of it." He tells me, but I shake my head at him as I begin to pace.

"Yes, yes I did. Otherwise you or your brother would have compelled me to forget again, and I don't want anyone to get in my head or control me. Because I've felt powerless, I've felt powerless since the day my father left me and the day my own mother disowned me before I was even born from her womb. The time Klaus had compelled about not helping you when he bit you, I felt more powerless I had ever been for years." I explain to him with more tears running down my face, and he starts to walk towards me but I steps back so he stops.

"Your not powerless, there is so much you can do that you probably haven't discovered yet." He tells me.

"I don't want to be here." I almost whisper, but I know he heard me.

"You don't have a choice, you can't go back to the city until it's safe." He tells me sadly.

"... I've had nightmares, almost like visions of what she's going to do and none of us can stop her..." I trial off as he begins to walk towards me again, but I don't stop him as he wraps his hands around me and hugs me, but I don't do it back "I want you to look." I tell him, and he pulls away looking confused "To feel what I feel and felt..." I trail off as I take his hands and place them on either side of my head "... Could you stay here after what pain she had caused me?" I ask him.

He then closes his eyes, and I can feel him in my head. First the images and pain that I had is at the beginning of the summer, I was at my coven and I first began coughing up blood, then when I came back to New Orleans and I had to let my sister be sacrificed and what it felt like, the pain of her being gone. Then when she came back I had to give her up to the people who hurt me, and the night the harvest girls were celebrated and I felt like I was dying and Klaus found me. He then sees when I nearly killed Father Kieran.

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