Night Has A Thousand Eyes

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(The Lafayette Cemetery)

Aria's POV.

As me and Davina arrive at Where Kol's soul and Kaleb's body was buried in Kaleb's family tomb in the cemetery, Davina leaves a bouquet of flowers at his tombstone before brushing the stone with her fingertips. And I can tell Judging by the number of identical bouquets surrounding the tomb, she's has been here often since his death.

"We're going to get him back." I tell her as she leans her head on my shoulder.

"You don't have to be here, you can be helping Marcel." She changes the subject.

"Rebekah is safe now, which means I shouldn't need to help him with anything. And besides, I haven't spent much time with you lately." I tell her before I kiss the top of her head, and I hear footsteps behind us so I look over my shoulder to see Klaus.

"What do you want, Klaus?" Davina asks him as she moves away from me and plays with the flowers,

"Well, perhaps I'm merely concerned about you. You do seem to spend an inordinate amount of time in graveyards for a teenager. It's a rather morbid habit." Klaus smiles as I turn to face him.

"Well, I am sure she is touched by your concern. Anything else?" I sarcastically say to him.

"Now that you mention it, there is one matter with which I can use you and your sisters help, Mikael. It appears that my sister, Freya, has dispatched him to gather some items I require, and seeing as how you brought him back from the dead, I'm guessing you have the means to find him." Klaus suggests, and Davina finally turns toward him and gives him a look that communicates that she is unamused by his request.

"Sorry. I'd love to help, but I'm busy mourning another dead boyfriend." Davina tells him.

"And I vowed to spend all day with my little sister to eat ice-cream and watch Rom-Coms such as 'What's Your Number?' with the beautiful Chris Evans, 'Ten Things I Hate About You' with the hot Heath Ledger and 'She's All That' with the prince himself, Freddie Prinze Jr." I tell Klaus, and we're about to leave, but Klaus holds out a hand to stop us, and his demeanor becomes serious.

"Do you think you're the only one who grieves my brother?"Klaus asks Davina, and she sighs knowing that he's right "I understand you hope to bring Kol back. Resurrection spells can be very tricky. They tend to require a remnant from the dearly departed. I, myself, am the guardian to Kol's remains, the ashes of his true body. Now, I might be inclined to entrust them to you, were myself feeling helpful." He says to her, and she glances up at me.

"It's up to you. If you wanna help, I'll be by your side." I promise her, and she looks back at Klaus and nods.

"Fine. We'll find Mikael for you, and you'll give me Kol's ashes. Deal?" Davina asks him, and he smiles at her.

"Deal, call me when you find him." Klaus says before pulling out his phone and walking away.

"Yeah?" I hear Aiden whisper into the other end of Klaus' phone call.

(Skip to The French Quarter-Dumaine Street)

After Davina contacted Mikael and told him to meet us in the Quarter, me and Davina are waiting on a bench on Dumaine Street for Klaus who is finally walking over to us.

"So, what's the deal, anyway? Aiden at your beck and call now?" I ask Klaus as I was talking to Davina about it earlier, and Klaus sits down next to Davina on the bench.

"I'm simply mentoring a promising young wolf." Klaus tells us.

"Josh isn't gonna be too happy when he finds out about it." Davina tells him, and he rolls his eyes.

Aria Claire (The Originals) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now