Fire With Fire

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(The Mikaelson Compound)

Aria's POV.

It's been exactly thirty-six hours since I last spoke to Marcel, or anyone for that matter, and the few blood bags Marcel gave didn't even last me a few minutes due to my hunger which still feels like is growing by the second.

Just then I hear footsteps in the distance, so I immediately stand up from the ground to try and see who it is, and strangely enough a woman who I don't know walks out of the shadows, and I can tell she is a witch due to her magic radiating off of her and her fresh blood pumping through her veins.

"Who are you?" I ask her confused as she stands on the other side of the invisible barrier opposite me.

"A witch, and I can set you free." She explains to me.

"That wasn't a name." I say to her confused and wary with what she is ding here, but she just smiles.

"He did say you were cautious." She tells me before she waves her head making the invisible barrier disappear "Come." She tells me, and I hesitantly step over where the invisible barrier as she swiftly takes of the shackles around my wrists before dropping them on the ground with a flick of a wrist. She then holds her wrist out towards me "Drink, you must be thirsty." She tells me, and I don't smell anything wrong in her system, but I'm still wary "It's alright, drink as much as you want, I won't run out." She tells me, and I cant help let my vampire face show before I snatch her wrist , bite my fangs into her and drink her blood.

As I continue to drain her blood, I realise that her blood just keeps flowing as I drink it so she must of placed some kind of spell that creates blood as she looses it. After about five minutes, my hunger finally calms down so I retract my fangs and pull away from her wrist. She then takes out a hanker chief and wipes the corners of my mouth from excess blood before doing the same to her wrist.

"Satisfied?" She asks me, and I slowly nod my head.

"Thank you." I tell her sincerely before she motions for me to follow her as she begins to walk away, and I hesitantly do so.

As we continue to walk, we walk up some stairs and I finally realise we are inside the Mikaelson Compound and that Marcel must of put me in the basement. We then descend to the courtyard, and I see Klaus pinning Elijah to the first floor railing making him watch Gia burn in the sunlight, screaming.

"Gia!" I shout as I run over to her, but it's too late as her body stops burning and is left in nothing but ash as I hold her burnt corpse on the ground.

"Aria, get out of here." Elijah tells me, and I look up at him with small tears in my eyes before hesitantly vamp speeding towards the exit, but Klaus is suddenly in front of me which causes me to back up.

"There's no rush." Klaus smirks at Elijah from the corner of his eye as he stalks towards me, and I back away with every step he takes.

I then glance over to Elijah to see him about to vamp speed over to us, but he is suddenly thrown to the wall and is being choked telekinetically by the witch.

"They kept you down there like an animal, like how they treated me when they put a dagger in my chest." Klaus says to me as he stops walking towards me, so I stop backing up.

"Yeah, but only because you compelled to stop being bloodthirsty when I could of done it on my own with Marcel, eventually." I counter.

"There is an easier way for you to control it, Marcel didn't think you could handle it, but I think you can. In your head, you can almost feel a little switch that can make everything better." Klaus explains to me, and I look at him confused. What switch, why wouldn't Marcel tell me about this?

"Aria, don't listen to him." Elijah tells me, but I ignore him as I try to find the switch, and I do so but it feels almost wrong to even go near it.

"It doesn't feel right." I shake my head at Klaus, but he places both of his hands on both sides of my face and smiles sincerely.

"Just close your eyes, and flip it. You will feel so much butter." Klaus assures me, and I slowly close my eyes ready to flip the switch as ignore Elijah's protests.

I then carefully flip the switch, and I feel... Nothing. I re-open my eyes to look up at Klaus, and he releases my face and steps back with a smirk, and I smirk in return.

"No." I hear Elijah mutter, and I flash my eyes red with veins beneath them before vamp speeding out of the Compound to enjoy being my new, better self.

Aria Claire (The Originals) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now