Every Mother's Son

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(Aria's Apartment)

Aria's POV.

As I open my eye's, I immediately feel the sun shining on me through my balcony doors. And usually on the morning I would have the extreme craving for blood, but this morning is different. I don't feel my hunger, it's like it has just disappeared, as well as the nightmares I usually have.

I then slowly sit up, but notice a full breakfast made on my bed side table along with a an envelope. I reach over and pick it up before reading it.


--- Please join me and my children for dinner at the Mikaelson Compound, 8pm. - Esther. ---

"Who the hell is Esther?" I ask myself before quickly getting ready and going to the Mikaelson compound.

(Skip to The Mikaelson Compound)

"Klaus! Elijah!" I shout as I walk into the compound, and Klaus, Elijah and Hayley descend from a room "Who the hell is Esther?!" I ask them as I hold up the invitation as they come to stand next to me.

"She got one too." Hayley states as I hand Klaus the invitation.

"She is our mother, the original witch." Elijah informs me, and I furrow my eyebrows.

"If she is your mother then why did she invite me here for dinner, and why did she make me breakfast this morning?" I ask them confused.

"How did she know where you live?" Klaus asks me, and I shake my head and sigh not having clue.

"I don't know..." I trail off as I look down at my watch"... But I have somewhere to be, so I'll come back later." I tell them, and turn around to leave but Elijah is suddenly in front of me.

"Are you alright, you seem?.. Off." Elijah states slowly as he looks at my appearance.

"Yeah, better than ever really." I tell him with a smile before walking around him and out the compound.

Third POV.

Once Elijah makes sure that Aria is out of vamp hearing distance, he turns to his brother with Hayley still standing near him.

"You compelled her?" Elijah asks his brother a little annoyed.

"Well you did give me the information of what Marcel had told you, it was necessary for everyone's safety." Klaus tells his brother.

"Wait a minute, what did Marcel tell you?" Hayley interrupts the brother's as she turns to Elijah for answer's.

"The day she was turned, she went blood crazy, she panicked and hid just on the outskirts of New Orleans. Niklaus found her, calmed her down, compelled her to think the your child died during the Guerrera feud and took her to Marcel so she get used to being vampire/ witch Hybrid..." Elijah trails off just the beginning of the story.

"... Although during her stay at Marcel's, she was still bloodthirsty and was screaming herself awake at night about dreams of our dead child, calling her by her name, Hope." Klaus states, and Hayley looks at them confused yet upset about the mention of her child.

"Marcel also said that they had stopped, but only just started again when we took down the Guerreras." Elijah adds.

"So you compelled her?" Hayley asks to Klaus.

"It had to be done." Klaus tells her.

(Skip to Lenore's Convenience Store)

Aria's POV.

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