Exquisite Corpse

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(The Mikaelson Compound)

Aria's POV.

After trying to call Davina again for the fourth time today, it still ends up going to voicemail and I'm beginning to get worried.

"Davina, It's Aria. And if you haven't guessed from the other voicemails I've left you, I'm really starting to get worried. Please call me back as soon as you get this. I love you." I say before hanging up and sending the voicemail.

"AHHHHH!" I hear Marcel scream from inside the room that he and a sleeping Rebekah is inside of.

I quickly run into the room, and just catch Rebekah flick her wrist, snapping Marcel's neck with telekinesis and causing him to slump over onto the floor, blood dripping from his mouth.

"Rebekah, what are you doing?" I ask her confused, an she holds her hand up to me and I feel as if I'm being strangled "Rebekah... Stop..." I say between gasps, and my whole body begins to feel like it's being drained. I then helplessly collapse to the floor weakly as Rebekah runs out of the room, and I look to my hands to see them fading from a dark, grey from with darkened veins.

"Get away from her!" I hear Hayley shout from what I think is the baby's room,

"Rebekah! What are you doing?" I hear Klaus shout furiously from the same room.

I painfully stand up, and I make my way to the baby's room. When I get there, I stop in the doorway as I see Rebekah casting pain inflictions on Klaus and Hayley, but all I can focus on is the baby in the cot.

"Get her out of here, Aria!" Klaus tells me, but my eyes are just fixated on the baby.

"What's the matter? Scared of a little miracle baby?" I hear Rebekah ask me, but I have a feeling it's Eva.

"Aria!" Klaus shouts, and I do everything I can and I end up look at Klaus with anger in my eyes, and I feel myself being compelled. No! "Get her away from my daughter." He compels me.

I then turn to Rebekah/ Eva and charge at her before we both go flying out of the bedroom window, and down to an alleyway. As soon as I land on the ground, I feel a few of my bones break, but they quickly fix themselves. I then stand up with the help of the side of a building, and I look around to see Rebekah/ Eva know here is sight.

"Aria?!" I hear Marcel's voice, and I turn around to see him suddenly there checking over me "Are you alright?" he asks me, and my mind flashes back to the baby and how Klaus compelled.

"I-I don't know." I stutter confused, and he pulls me into hug like he used to as it calmed me down from my nightmares.

"Where did she go?" He asks me, and I slowly pull away confused.

"She must of used a spell, she's gone." I say confused as I'm still in shock.

"C'mon, let's get you inside." He ushers me, but I stay where I stand "It's fine, Hayley has the baby. There's a piano in the ballroom, you can play a song?" He asks me, and I nod my head with a small smile.

He then puts his arm around my waist as he leads me back into the Compound, and straight into the Ballroom where there is a few chairs and a grand piano. I sit down at the piano as Marcel crouches behind me.

"Safe inside." He tells me the song I learned a few months ago, and I close my eyes and brush my fingers over the keys before playing Safe inside by James Arthur.

Third POV.

As Aria begins to play Safe inside by James Arthur, Marcel quietly retreats from the room before heading upstairs where Hayley and Klaus' are in Klaus' study where he's pulling a pair of the magic-cancelling manacles that Kol's witches enchanted into dark objects in 1914.

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