The Brother's That Care Forget

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(The Mikaelson Compound)

Aria's POV.

As I enter the Mikaelson Compound early hours in the morning, I see Elijah pass me with a serious look on his face, so I stop in his path.

"Where are you going? Klaus just informed me that Finn and Kol are in there." I ask him confused.

"I'm going out of town for a few hours to visit a few witches." He tells me, but I see in his eye's that he is lying, but I have a feeling it's for a good reason so I drop it.

"Okay, well your looking better than the last time I saw you." I tell him, even though I can't say the same for myself on the inside "I'll see you later then?" I ask him.

"Of course." He tells me, and I give him as small nod before walking into the compound. when I walker further in, I spot Klaus hanging up on his phone.

"So, where are they?" I ask him, and he looks up at me before stretching the palm of his hand out towards a double glass door.

"This way, follow me." Klaus tells me, and I join him at his side as I follow him through the doors to see Kol and Finn in the magic-free shackles.

"Gentleman! I apologize for keeping you waiting. Good news is, I've returned with an old friend. Someone who wants to say hello." Klaus says, and I think he's talking about me until Marcel suddenly makes an appearance beside me.

"Hello! How's it going, fellas?" Marcel smiles widely at the Kol and Finn.

"Ah, you again. You ever get bored of getting bullied by my brother?" Kol asks Marcel, and Marcel chuckles as he strips off his jacket and hangs it up before rolling up his sleeves.

"Oh, I volunteered for this." Marcel tells Kol.

"Did ya?" Kol asks him as Marcel stands beside hm.

"The way I see it, you have it coming." Marcel shoves Kol roughly on the chest, and Kol glances at me.

"I thought you and me called this even?" Kol asks me.

"Look, my sister may fancy you, but you hurt me so the scale is no longer blanced." I tell him as I bring my hand up and flick my fingers so I telekinetically flick Kol on the forehead, and a small red mark appears on it.

"First, you messed with Davina, then Aria. Now, I hear you wanna drag Rebekah into all this. Uh-uh. Not happening." Marcel tells Kol as he keeps shoving his chest.

"Well, I'd prefer you both to join me against our mother. But, I'll happily settle for one or the other. Either way, if you continue to defy me, your lives will be reduced to an unending sequence of agonizing torture!" Klaus smiles amused at them. Kol then looks torn as he turns to Finn, but Finn has a poker face on as he keeps looking at me.

"So, which is it to be?" I ask them, but none of them answer "Go ahead." I tell Marcel, and he smirks before dragging Kol by his shackles into a room upstairs "I need a drink." I tell Klaus before vamp speeding to their stash of blood bags, and begin to drink one.

Once I finish my blood bag, I hear Kol literally screaming in pain like he's dying.

"Gone to far, Marcel." I mutter before vamp speeding to the room they are in to find Kol sitting on a chair with a knife struck in his hand pinning it to the arm of the chair and patches of blood on him "Are you trying to kill him, he's only human." I tell Marcel, and I walk over to Kol and rip the knife out of his hand.

"Aahhh!" He screams.

"Shut up, you big baby." I tell him before I bite into my wrist and shove it in his mouth.

"I was wondering whether you would show up. I'm afraid I'm not done torturing your darling Kol. You best run along while you still can." I hear Klaus say from downstairs, Davina?

I look over to Marcel's facial expression to see the same as mine. I then take my wrist out of Kol's moth before turning to stand in front of him.

"Your either on our side, or I'm going to siphon from you until the devil himself is sick of waiting for you die already and he's gonna come to kill you himself." I tell Kol, and he nods his head hesitantly.

"Fine, you lot put together are nicer than mother anyways." He tells me, and I sigh in victory before breaking the shackles.

Me and Marcel then walk down stairs to see Klaus and Davina talking, but Davina has a look of revenge on her face.

"Whoa, D, today is not the day." Marcel takes the words right out of my mouth.

"Actually, I think it is." Davina tells us before I she snaps our necks telekinetically and we both blackout.

After me and Marcel finally wake up, I willing forgive Davina as me and Kol look at Cami who came in whilst me and Marcel had our necks snapped, and she found a trace of puncture wounds on her back traveling down her spine.

"That's Mom's work, all right. She must have wiped your memory." Kol explains to Cami.

"Not the first time that's been done by a member of this family. What does it mean?" Cami asks us.

"It's a byproduct of a..." I trail of hesitantly as I have just figured it out "... Preparation spell." I explain to her.

"Preparation for what?" Davina asks us, and I look up at Marcel worried.

"To make her a vessel." Kol states, and now everyone looks worried.

"He means Esther prepared your body for someone to jump into." Marcel explains to a slightly confused Cami.

"Likely herself. I mean, knowing Mother." Kol adds.

"Where's Vincent?" Cami asks us, and I stand up as I motion for her to follow me which her and Marcel do.

I then lead them into the ballroom, where Finn is hanging from his wrists by his shackles. Cami then storms past me and smacks Finn right across the face.

"Why me? Out of everyone in this city?" Cami asks as she slightly tears up.

"Because you're perfect. Healthy, beautiful, smart... And alone. No one would question any personality changes. And, as I discovered from my sessions, Niklaus would never allow you to be harmed. And for Aria..." Finn trails off, and I look at him confused "... Mother's going to use you as a sacrifice to channel magic from." He tells me. No, I cant die... Not again.

"Fix this. Do something to stop it!" Cami shouts at Finn as I just look down at the ground.

"I can't. Only my mother can." Finn says guiltily, and I can feel his eyes on me.

"I will step in front of a moving truck before I let your mother take over my body." Cami refuses.

"She wasn't preparing you for herself, Cami. She was preparing you for Rebekah." Finn says, and I look over at Marcel who is standing by the door with wide eyes.

[Aria's Outfit For Episode]--->

[Aria's Outfit For Episode]--->

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