They All Asked For You

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(Aria's Apartment)

Aria's POV.

As I begin to wake up In my bed, I glance down at Davina who is laying in my arms with dry tears stained on her cheeks. She really loved Kol so much, and to only be with him for a few weeks then for him to be taken away from her, I don't know what she's going to do if she never sees him again. Just then, my phone begins to ring so I quickly pick it up, see that its Marcel and answer it.

"Hey, Davina's still sleep." I inform him in a whisper as he visited my apartment late last night to see her, but she was already asleep.

"When she wakes up, tell her I'll see her when I can." He tells me, and I smile sadly as I look down at her.

"Of course. Did you need anything?" I ask him in the same tone as before so Davina doesn't wake up.

"Yeah, its about Rebekah." He tells me, I thought he didn't know about her being back in town?

"What about her? She's out of town." I say playing dumb.

"And here I thought you would never lie to me." I hear him sigh over the phone.

"... I'm so sorry Marcel, she asked me not to tell you as a favour." I apologise.

"It's fine, I was just wondering if you could let Cami be with Davina for a bit whilst our friend Ruben figures out which witch Rebekah is using as a vessel, and why the witch was locked in a prison of sought." He asks me, and I look down at Davina.

"I'll ask Davina once she wakes if she will be alright for a few hours with Cami." I tell him.

"Alright, I'll see you later." He tells me before he hangs up, and I put my phone down on the bed.

"If you need to go, you can." Davina says, and I glance down at he two see her looking up at me. I sadly furrow my eyebrows and about to speak, but she beats me to it "Its fine, really. I was going to go through some grimoir's and try to find anything to do with the other side." She tells me.

"... Okay, but I'll try to be as quickly as possible. Marcel says he will come by when he can." I assure her as we both sit up, and I go over to my wardrobe and begin to change.

(Skip to Marcel's Loft)

Once I enter Marcels Loft, I see Marcel drinking some whiskey as Rebekah glances out the window towards the docks.

"It's complicated." Rebekah says to Marcel before they both turn and look at me.

"Am I interrupting something?.." I ask them as I walk over to stand by Marcel.

"No, not at all." Rebekah tells me, and before Marcel can respond, Elijah rushes into the loft looking concerned.

"Are you alright?" Elijah asks Rebekah, and she walks over to him as I take the glass of whiskey from Marcels hand and drink it, in which he just rolls his eyes with a small smile.

"Barely. They attackers knew me, Elijah. Not me-me, but..." Rebekah trails off as she gestures to her vessel body "... This. Her. Whoever she is, they want her dead." She finishes.

"Then we find them and show them why their anger is unwise." Elijah states as he walks over to me and Marcel.

"You don't want to mess with that crowd, alright? We want answers, we need to ask Josephine LaRue." Marcel explains.

"She serves as matriarch to the covens outside the Quarter. She'll know who wants Rebekah dead." I add.

"How can you be sure?" Rebekah asks me and Marcel.

Aria Claire (The Originals) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now