I Love You, Goodbye

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(The Backroads Of Arkansas)

Aria's POV.

After me and Elijah finally found Cami outside a phone booth and a few shops, we see her trying to keep the baby quite as she tries to use the payphone.

"Whoever's out there, if you try anything, I will gouge out your eyes!" Cami threatens, and me and Elijah come out from the shadows behind her.

"Actually, Camille, that's probably not necessary." Elijah speaks out, and she turns around to look at us.

Elijah then reaches his hand out to her to communicate that she should come over to him quickly, and as she does, she looks at us with panic in her eyes.

"What the hell happened back there?" Cami asks us, and Elijah ushers her to the car as I look for a different vehicle as I'm not getting in that car.

"That's a discussion for the car. Aria, come." Elijah tells me, but I shake my head as I spot a motorcycle.

"I'm not riding in that car." I tell them as I walk over to the motorcycle, and look around to see if there are any witnesses, and there isn't.

I then concentrate on the littlest magic I have left before flicking my hand over the motorcycle, and the engine starts.

"I'll follow you, go." I tell them, and they both get in the car as I put the helmet on and climb on the motorcycle. Elijah then begins to drive the SUV, so I follow them on the motorcycle.

(Skip to Aria's Apartment)

Once we finally reach New Orleans, I tell Elijah and Cami that I will catch up with them later as I texted Davina to met me at my apartment.

When I ditch the motorcycle and helmet outside of my apartment building, I quickly rush upstairs walk into my apartment to see Davina, and we quickly embrace each other in a big hug.

"I've missed you so much." I tell her as I burry my head into the crook of her neck, and she does the same to me.

"I've missed you, too." She tells me, and we slowly pull away. I then look at her hair to see that it's shorter.

"You cut your hair." I say to her as I twirl one of her curls around my finger.

"Yeah, Kol says he likes it." She tells me, and I just smile at her again before my phone vibrates indicating I have a text message. I pull it out and see it's from Cami.

{Text Message]--->

---Just found out Hayley's getting married later to Jackson?! She invited us, see you there-Cami---

"Hayley's getting married to Jackson later." I say to her confused, and she nods her head like she already knew. I thought Elijah and Hayley had something going on?

"Yeah, I was just about to tell you about that. Me, Kol, Josh and Aiden are going. It's supposed to be so there packs can finally be reunited." She explains to me.

"Then what are waiting for, lets see if I can find us something to wear." I tell her, and she giggles as I pull her towards my closet.

(Skip to The Mikaelson Compound-Unification Ceremony)

As me and Davina enter the Compound, we seethe guests are both vampires and werewolves, and are all seated in the ballroom just before the ceremony is about to begin.

"Davina! Aria!" We hear Josh shout, and we look over at him with three seats next to him, so me and Davina sit next to him. But just a moment later, Aiden walks over to us.

Aria Claire (The Originals) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now