The Devil Is Damned

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[I skipped the Chapter Sanctuary as I did not see how I could fit Aria into it as none of the scenes were at the Safe House]

(The Mikaelson Safe House-Arkansas)

Aria's POV

As Cami plays with the baby in the living room, I sit in the kitchen preparing to inject my self with some vervain as Elijah begins to cook breakfast for himself and Cami since I made myself some earlier this morning. Just as Elijah cracks an egg into the frying pan, there is a crash in the next room as the baby starts crying, Elijah then vamp-speeds in to see what happened as I stay where I am.

"Oh! She yanked the tablecloth and that knick-knack fell on her!" Cami explains as I smell blood, the baby's blood "It's just a scratch." She says as the baby screams. I then have a flash of an image in my mind, the red door "Elijah? Elijah!" I hear her say concerned, and the images disappear from my mind.

"Yes. Forgive me." I hear Elijah say. The spell that Finn and their mother did is wearing off, but when it does completely Finn will still be able to channel from me since he still has my blood.

After I injected myself with vervain and covering it with a bandage as I am not healing as quick due to the vervain, lack of blood and due to it being animal blood, Elijah and Cami decided to just skip breakfast as Elijah put a plaster on the baby's forehead whilst Cami watches from the doorway between where I am in the kitchen and the Living area.

"It's a trigger. You pulled yourself back, which is an improvement for sure, but we can't ignore that your mind clearly went elsewhere." Cami explains to Elijah, and I hear him stand up "It's very common in traditional PTSD patients. We've done the work to face your atrocities. The truth is, it's just going to take some time to settle." She explains more.

"And you believe you have the power to resolve this?" I hear Elijah ask as him and the baby are not in within my eyesight.

"It's not that easy. There's no..." She trails off as she snaps her fingers before continuing "... And you're fixed. In cases like yours, sometimes not dwelling on the problem is more productive than examining it through the minutiae of therapy." She explains, and pulls a piece of paper out of her paper and hands it to him "Staying mentally busy instead of physically. This house, though charming, is completely falling apart." She tells him.

"So, this is your solution? Mend the home, mend the man?" He asks her.

"Or, we could go fishing and I could tell you about the summer I lost my virginity-" She tries to say, but Elijah thankfully cuts her off as my eyes widen in shock.

"-I'll mend the home." He cuts her off, and Cami nods in agreement.

"I'll spend the day with Hope! And you spend the day not thinking. And fixing the heater, because this place is freezing at night." She smiles at him.

"And I'm going to my room to take a nap, goodnight." I tell them as I weakly stand up using the kitchen counter to stand up.

"Are you sure you can walk that far?" Cami asks me, and I give her a slightly weak smile.

"Of course I can, it's not as bad as it looks. And the plus side is I actually feel a little human." I lie to her before heading upstairs to go to sleep.

"Where are you, Arianna? Camille?" I hear a familiar voice say that wakes me up. Finn "There's no use in hiding!" I hear his voice again.

I slowly sit up on my bed as I still feel weak from earlier, and I am able to stand up, but I wobble slightly.

"I know you're in here!" Finn shouts again before he screams in what sounds like pain. I then as quickly as I can walk downstairs to see Finn with a bloody shirt and a nose bleed, and Elijah with blood on his shirt standing in the living room.

"Lec tare sel vipre!" Finn chants as he flicks his fingers, and Elijah's body is telekinetically pulled toward Finn, and Finn directs his fingers in such a way that Elijah is thrown back and forth against the walls before being flung through the wall into the living room.

I then begin to stalk towards Finn as his back is towards me when he suddenly stops throwing Elijah against walls, and he quickly turns towards me and telekinetically makes me stand where I am.

"You seem a little weak." Finn says to me with a smirk. I then get an image of the red door in my head again, no "Ahhhhh!" Finn suddenly screams and kneels on the floor. His spell then wares off on me, and I cling onto the wall for support.

As Finn is still kneeling on the floor in the hallway, he manages to get to his feet. He's shaky as he walks over to where Elijah is staring at his hands in a daze as he rubs them together, smearing the blood over his skin.

"Look at you, brother. You're a mess. And, as we both know, untidiness is your undoing. Tell me, do your soiled clothes serve as a reminder of your filthy memories? Your many sins? Are you having bad memories now, brother? Perhaps of the innocent Tatia? Or any one of the other poor souls who met their fate at your hands?" Finn taunts him.

"Don't listen to him." I whisper to Elijah, hoping he can hear me as the red door image is still clear in my mind.

"It's a shame, really, because, in a way, the child is just another one of your victims. Had you the will to stand against me, you might've saved her. But, because she was left under the protection of a wretch, a beast that basks in the blood of others, She. Will. Die. I suppose your little niece never really had a chance. I'd ask for a response, but I wouldn't want to taint myself with the vulgar refuge that must, even now, be flashing through your mind." Finn says, and the red door image completely disappears from my mind. He did it.

"Let me assure you..." Elijah trials off annoyed as he sets his hands on his laps "... My mind is quite clear. Much like the gas that has pervaded every single room in this home whilst you've been rambling like the lunatic that you are." He tells him as he turns to face Finn who is staring at him in shock. Elijah then glances at me and I nod my head understanding "You have disgraced this family for the last time." He tells his brother as he takes off his daylight ring and holds it in one hand while he holds his other hand into the sunlight "Goodbye, brother." He bids his farewell, and just as his hand burns, I use all of my strength to vamp speed out of the house as the house bursts into flames, but it ends up sending me flying against the fence near the large shed.

I then look down at my leg as I feel pain, and to see it severely burnt, but it isn't healing. I then decide to try to use the elements to help me so I dig one of my hands into the earth and hold the other towards the burning house and begin to siphon and adsorb the power.

"Asinta Mulaf Hinto, Sho Bala... Asinta Mulaf Hinto, Sho Bala... Asinta Mulaf Hinto, Sho Bala..." I begin to chant and close my eyes, and I start to feel my burns healing. Once they are fully healed, I slowly open my eyes to feel my self stronger, but not stronger than usual. I then use the fence to help me stand up, and from the burning building I see Elijah walking out with his suit burnt and just smoking as he is fully healed.

"Where do we go now?" I ask him.

"I'll call Niklaus, but I thinking he'll just want us to come home now. Let's go find Camille and Hope." He tells me, and I nod my head before we both vamp speed away.

[Aria's Outfit For Chapter]--->

[Aria's Outfit For Chapter]--->

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