Chapter Three

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It was all over Twitter. The pictures of Luke holding me as I cried, the trends: #StayStrongAshton #LashtonIsReal were trending worldwide. It was everywhere.

  That night for the concert, I was slightly off beat, considering I was wearing a tank top and what if someone saw my fresh cuts?

  If you cared about that so much, why'd you do it?

  When I got to the dressing room, I took a quick shower and changed back into my sweater and skinny jeans before plopping onto the couch, curling into  a ball as I stared at the cushion.

  "Ash?" It was Calum. I looked over at him and he smiled softly. "We're going back to the tour bus now, okay?" I got up and stretched my legs. We walked back to the tour bus and the boys were waiting in the living room compartment.

  "We're going to go out to dinner with the One Direction boys. What do you want, Ash?" Luke asked. Luke was kind of the only person who called me Ash. Calum and Michael did, but only sometimes.

  "I don't know, what's around?" I asked as I turned my laptop on. I searched up on Google the recent restaurants and scrolled through them.

  "Too bad the only Nando's in the United States is in Washington D.C.," Michael sighed.

  "Good thing we're going there soon," I muttered as I clicked on a restaurant. "This looks good."

  Luke came over and gathered the address before walking to find Gus. Calum texted the 1D boys and we were off for that restaurant.

  "Why did you tell me to choose our restaurant?" I asked Michael, shutting off my laptop.

  "It was Luke's idea."

  "He really wants you to stop hurting yourself," Calum murmured, before brightening up. "But hey, it sounds good!"

  We drove to the restaurant, then ate there. It was okay. Not the best, but it wasn't terrible. When we got back to the tour bus, Luke called taking a shower first.

  "Ugh you always take forever and use all of the hot water," Calum groaned.

  "So does Michael!" Luke countered before sprinting into the bathroom. Calum and Michael rolled their eyes before plopping onto the couch. I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

  "I think I'm going to sleep," I yawned and Michael and Calum both muttered an 'okay'. I changed into some sweatpants and a random t-shirt before crawling into my bunk. Right as I laid down, I heard 'Miss Jackson' from Panic! At The Disco playing from the bathroom. Luke started singing along and I sighed as my eyelids closed.

  "Climbing out the backdoor, didn't leave a mark. No one knows it's you, Miss Jackson...."

  I woke up around midnight and crawled out of bed. I got a drink of water before walking into the bathroom. I did my business and as I was washing my hands, I saw the drawer that held the blade slightly opened. I pulled it all the way open and stared at the empty drawer. Did Luke, Michael or Calum throw it away? I slammed it shut, pissed at whoever did it. The whole drawer broke and splinters littered the floor as I searched the other drawer, the cabinet, the medicine cabinet. Nothing.

  "Fuck!" I screamed as I dig through the mess in the cabinet under the sink. It has to be somewhere!

  "Ashton?" Luke's groggy voice was heard through the wooden door.

  "Where's my blade?" I asked him, a harsh tone in my voice.

  "I threw it away."

  My world crashed as I searched through the trashcan.

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