I do care.

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Josh's POV:

I was trying to fall asleep in the living room, on the couch next to Connor's. When I heard a door shut, it echoed through the house, but since it was 12:24, everyone must have been asleep besides that person and I. Connor was snoring, and Allison's parents were exhausted from helping us unpack and cooking and cleaning, plus my parents never stayed up late. So, I decided to check it out and see if it was Allison. I got on slippers, and silently, slowly made my way through the dark house. I made it to her bedroom door and listened. It was silent. I peaked my head through the door, and there was light from the bathroom, and she wasn't in her bed. She must be in there. So I turned and waited for a few minutes. When I looked back inside her room, I didn't see the yellow-ish light come from the bottom of the door, I saw blood, and heard a silent cry come from the door. I ran into the room after I tripped and made my way around the bed, and pushed the door open. But I was too late. I said her name, but she couldn't hear. She was in a puddle of her blood. Unconscious. But then I saw where the cuts were coming from. Her wrists.


I shook her and tears streamed down my face. I am just praying she will wake up. I was about to yell for help, but I knew she would hate me forever if I told our parents. I knew she would never talk to me. So I kept shaking her. I didn't know what else to do. I picked up my phone to call 9-1-1 and I thought I saw a flicker of movement, so I froze. Her eyes blinked open, and it felt like I saw her eyes for the first time again. Her beautiful blue eyes full of light. She blinked and tears ran down her face. But I have never seen anything more beautiful than her eyes, and her wet hair, with half her head soaked in a darker shade of red. I wrapped her in my arms and started crying even more. I cried and I didn't care if she heard me, and she cried too, hugging me without her wrists touching me.

"Why are you here. I thought you didn't care about me." She said, still silently crying.

"I do care. Allison I care about you more than anyone. I can't loose you. Ever." I responded. And It was true. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up and we can talk." A million questions were racing through my head, and I wasn't paying attention until she lifted up her shirt, to her stomach and grabbed the blade covered in blood. "Allison stop. Stop it." I said. Soothing and I took the blade from her. I stood up, then helped her up. She grabbed toilet paper and we started to mop up the puddle. It was not fun. I had just stopped crying then, but felt like I was going to all over again. She doesn't deserve this. No one does. No matter how much she thinks she hates herself. She shouldn't have done this to herself. I think to myself. Once all the blood is soaked into the toilet paper, I take them and flush it all down the toilet. She stands by the mirror fixing her hair, and I run my fingers through it. The right side of her head is silky, smooth and straight. The left is messy and blood matted. It's darker and heavier. When I take my hands out, one is covered in blood and the other clean, almost untouched. She washes out her hair in the big sink, her hands shaking, probably from the burning of the water over her wrists, so I help her, espically with the shampoo and conditioner. We finished and her hair now all looks brown. I grab her a towel, and see she has trouble grabbing it, so I dry it for her. I sit on her bed and she sits next to me. A tear running down her cheek as fast as a real raindrop. I let her rest her head on my shoulder and know we have to talk. So I start.

A Hard Fall ( Josh Hutcherson)Where stories live. Discover now