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Hey, can I talk to you? Please?


No. I don't have anything to say after what you had done. We were best friends, and more than that, and you left me. I don't want you to come back.


Just, please, let me explain,


No. Good bye Justin.



Please answer me


Please text back


You can't avoid me at school today.

I turned off my phone and left it on the charger in my room. I walk down stairs to see Josh and Connor eating some cereal, and our moms freaking out that we will be late. I slip on my shoes and make sure that I have everything I need for the first day after vacation. Binders, planner, and pencils. I think I'm good.

The three of us head out the door, and to our bus stop. Once we get there, I see a couple of new students, and only 4 people I know. Jarod and Carina, who I have been friends with since second grade, Amanda, who is another one of my friends I met in first grade, and she sits next to earthier carina or I, and finally, Nathaniel, who is Carina's little brother. I went straight to them and Amanda greeted me with a bright smile and wave, then looked over to Connor and Josh and cocked her head to the side like a cute curious puppy.

"This is Josh and Connor, don't you remember them, from elementary school?" I explained. She thought for a second, then seemed to recognize them.

"Ohhhhhhhhh!" She said. "Hi!" Amanda giggled and waved to they boys. She moved over to me and whispered, "Does the shorter one have a girlfriend?" She was looking over at Connor, and he was staring at her. I laughed and shook my head. She went over to Carina to talk, and Carina waved at me.

The bus came and we all got on, and I sat with Josh, across from Jarod, while Carina and Amanda sat together across from Connor who seemed to be hypnotized by Amanda. Cute.

"Are you sure you will be okay today? I mean with your leg muscle pulled and..... What's his name." Josh said trying to comfort me. He grabbed my hand and held it tight.

"I guess. I just hope he dosen't see me, and people will probably look at me strangely because of how i walk. I look like a fricking old person." I say, and it's true, I can't even stand up straight, my leg has me all wacked up.

We get off the bus, and headed inside. The second I got in, I knew I would dread the rest of this year. I totally forgot that Justin was in most of my classes. At least I have Josh in all of them too. I locked arms with Josh and stood up as straight as I could. In the distance I could hear a couple girls shriek in suprise, that Josh is actually at our school. I ignore them like him, and head to homeroom.

I enter the room once again, and see some of my friends. Gabbie, who had been there when nobody else really has, came up to me and gave me a hug. Then I see Lexie who is our best friend too, and go over to her.

"What happened to you?" She asked after hugging me. I explain that I had tripped and pulled my hamstring. Which isn't really a lie. I then introduce both of them to Josh and Josh to them, but they know who he is.

"Okay class." Mrs. Dukette says. "The bell has rung. Sit in your seats." Just as Josh and I take seats next to each other, Justin comes in and stares at me. I ignore him, and Josh gives him a glare. It continues like that the rest of class. I look over to Gabbie who sits near me, and hope she notices, but she doesn't. Then I give up and attempt to listen, but I can't concentrate.

Once we are dismissed I make a straight, quick and swift movement to the room diagonal from my homeroom. While I am in math right now, Justin will be across the hall in social studies. At least we are apart. Josh sits next to me and we start to listen to the boring lecture.

About half way through class, I go to the bathroom. I leave and see the hallway is empty. I make my way to the other side of the long hallway, and I hear another door open from back where I was. I turn and see his face. Justin. He needs to learn to leave me alone.

A Hard Fall ( Josh Hutcherson)Where stories live. Discover now